The BE with the WG has been so good and equal I'm love this. I love the lactation content and can't wait to see what utterly chaos you add next
Recent community posts
Loved the game and it has dope potential absolutely I will be following so closely and eagerly.
The only feedback thats not really been expressed is that 500g is pretty steep to unlock the next cave especially when after day 20 everyone starts asking for green and red potions. I had to spend 20 days just to shuffle request (mind you i only upgraded the quest to 2 options) and with blue mana only being 10 for small and 30 for medium which means that one would have to grind A LOT to access the other part. Spending G to unlock it is so valid but i think 100 or even 75 is pretty solid to unlock the other caves? That or ways to increase the value you of your potions or at least lock them into what you can already make?
Your doing such a good job and I'm so impressed!