Ok, this game looks awesome! I have always high hopes in the yaoi game jams but this game broke all my best expectations! The first entrie looks very promising, and I´ll give it a try as soon as possible.
P.S: The art is gorgeous as hell.
Excelent demo. God, I can´t wait for the full release. Loved your firts game and loved this, It´s incredible how you do yours games. I am loving this story and that you can change the apperance of the protagonist. I would love if we colud change the name of him, but if we can´t the game will stil be the same masterpiece. So excited for the release =)
I would pay a million dollars to play the full version of this game. It´s brillant in every way: the history the concept and the art,. English is not my native languague, but I found it really easy to translate and in the same time with a really elegant speaking. Iam really anxious for its full release. Sorry for the misspellings =)
Hi! Me and my sister played the game, and it is awesome. The history itself is amazing, no cliché and is a game really inovative. What else, the couple is so sweet, i really love their personality, with their flaws and qualities, awesome. I ship so much (no offense, but, who is the seme and who is the uke?)
The scenarios are so beautiful and well made, the graphics are so pretty too.
Are you thinking about do another game with this theme(yaoi)? Is very rare to find a game with that theme and your was really impressive.
We really really love it.
Thank you