Thank you!! It was so fun to see various MCs with different background and skill get various outcomes (and wildly different experiences) with Cook.
Can't wait to share more!
Thank you!! I can't wait to share the next chapter as well!! So far, I'm planning to keep this game free since I did this on my spare time and to exercise writing and coding anyways, but I do have Ko-fi if anyone's interested in donating some tips.
BUT, your appreciation and comments are always enough for me!!! Thank you so much for playing and feel free to stop by my dev blog to say hi!
Unfortunately no! For continuity's sake, it'll be too much to code two whole different branches and plotlines where Viel joins you.
I don't want to create two branches but make it too shallow / not as detailed, so I decided that it's a set thing that he wouldn't join in chapter 3. It also suited his personality and motivations more to stay with the knight (for now).
LMAO YES! 1sab3llameow is right, we can't win this time because if you win... one of the ROs is going to die and she's a very plot-relevant character.
For Case 0, there are only two different trial outcomes since this is an introductory case anyway.
For Case 1, I'm planning for different outcomes of varying degrees of winning + losing, so please play it when it's out! Take this one case where you lost as the 'MC comes back stronger and more ruthless than ever moment'.
Thank you for playing and having an interest in my game!
Oh...thank you so much for writing this. Glad that my IF introduced you to the world of Interactive Fiction! There's so many other great IFs that are just 👌👌
I also want to finish the game, I hope I can find the time and strength for it.
Thank you for playing, what you wrote really motivated me to keep trying!
The title is on purpose as in The Woods is a singular, monstrous being. The same way you say 'It Hungers'. Where 'It' = The Woods. It's a name that invokes a being that.. you don't want to call directly 👀
But thank you for the input! Will be combing through the chapters again when I'm updating for chapter 3.
Hope the next update will be up to your standards, english is not my first language, so I'll have to work twice as hard here.