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A member registered Nov 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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hahaha....... yes, i do still intend on updating!

aww that's very high praise, thank you so much!

haha thank you <3

thank you! :]

HELLO yes, it's still being worked on! but ultimately the story got way out of hand and i had to scrap the plot i had and start from scratch, which is why there's been no update for so long ):

sorry if this response is disappointing, but the great protector has not been abandoned!

AWW HAHA I'M SORRY. but thank you very much! <3

(1 edit)

haha thank you!!

i do not know why this took 4 months for me to see but uh HAHA SORRY. i honestly don't remember much of the game, however i did write down all my personal complaints into my notes app approximately 3 years ago so i'll just copy that here LMAO feel free to disregard this entirely if this is too late though AJHGSKHG sorry again for the late response!!

  • what the hell is up with all the........ comments........ asmo makes about his brothers and their bodies. gross
  • demon brothers constantly and GENUINELY trying to/almost murdering mc and no one cares. like. what lol not even an apology </3
  • i can't tell if lucifer actually likes mc or if he just enjoys a physical relationship with them which. is fine but like. can we establish that beforehand maybe and if you want more than a physical relationship can you express that thank you bc i'm pretty sure he just has a one-sided crush on diavolo and he just uses mc to take his mind off him HELP
  • the Mammon Stupid Ignore Mammon jokes get old so fast. i swear every time the demon brothers are in the same room there's always a "ur dumb trash mammon lol" or mammon going "HEY STOP IGNORING ME" like do you want us to laugh all 64937447 times you make the same joke. it's actually depressing at this point
  • the humour in this game is kind of trash like. oh my god don't even get me started on that one "ew asmo stop breathing down my neck like that" "i'm literally on the other side of the room" "THEN WTF IS THAT WET STUFF ON MY SHOULDER?" "IT'S NOT ME" "IF IT'S NOT YOU THEN WHO---" *cerberus roars* scene like yes girl give us nothing
  • mammon's entire character is so sad actually. & i don't even mean Depressing Traumatic Backstory kind of sad i just mean it's sad because he's so pathetic he literally can't do anything. all he does is sit around whining, pissing people off, getting ignored and obsessing over spending money. he's not very bright, nor is he even that nice..... he barely has any redeeming qualities.,..,.. i'm even saying this as someone who likes mammon LMAO he was my favourite of the brothers before beel and satan got more screentime. BUT PLEASE make him more charming. he can still be greedy and kind of pathetic but like if he's more charismatic about it, it would make him so much more tolerable!!!!! also make it more genuine greed instead of it being "haha mammon's credit card got confiscated again bc he spent too much money on smth dumb" WHERE'S THE FLAVOUR. WHERE'S THE PRIMADONNA GIRL BY MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS THIS GUY'S SUCH A LOSER???
  • on that note how are these guys the most powerful demons in the devildom. i could beat any of them (other than beel or lucifer) in a fistfight if they stayed in their human forms. hell i could beat them with a DISS TRACK.
  • also? literally no one in the entire ANYWWHERE has any kind of respect for any of the brothers other than lucifer? which is probably for humour reasons but. hello. did you not introduce them as POWERFUL DEMONS. LITERAL AVATARS OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS. and yet no one knows them for that also they all feel weak af. can't protect themselves from anything at any time??? can't kill a single Big Snake without help from magic human friend? gets themselves unjustly accused for murder and just makes it so bad that their PUNY HUMAN FRIEND WHO JUST SHOWED UP ONE DAY has to sort it out for them???? these "TOP TIER DEMON LORDS" are so Utterly powerless it makes me wonder what the rest of the demon population is like. i could probably sneeze on an average demon and it'd evaporate. make it make sense
  • GIVE ME MORE EQUAL SCREENTIME. i'm not a fan of asmobelphielevi for several reasons but i would LOVE to see them more often JUST TO GET MORE OF SATAN AND BEEL. bc i feel like lucifer and mammon definitely get the most uhh attention? when it comes to who hangs out with mc the most it's mammon for Sure, but like lucifer still does a lot of stuff. like be in love with diavolo. Lol
  • can we get more cute stuff where i actually feel like the brothers Care about MC instead of feeling like the reward for a cock fighting contest because like. hi guys. u know that just bc they're a human they're still a real person with real feelings and not a trophy to be passed around right
  • can we make the romances less about what MC can do for the brothers........ and make it more MUTUAL... please.......... pleas
  • need more choices... neeed more....... there are times and games where i don't mind if my choices don't matter and this is NOT one of them. ESPECIALLY THE WHOLE BELPHEGOR MESS. GIVE ME THE OPTION TO NOT FORGIVE HIM. GIVE ME THE OPTION TO SIDE WITH DIAVOLO OVER HIM (hey diavolo if ur reading this it's u and me baby xx i'd side with you for anything) GIVE ME THE OPTION TO BE ANGRY AND PUNCH HIM IN THE NOSE FOR WHAT HE DID LIKE SHUT UP SHUT UPP SHUT UP if i was actually able to do that in the game i might like him more, but since the game physically barricaded me from being upset with him at all it just fueled my rage and now i dream of grinding him into a fine powder beneath my heel
  • HE MANIPULATES MC UNTIL HE'S ABLE TO ESCAPE FROM THE ATTIC AND THEN ATTEMPTED TO MURDER THEM AS THANKS. WHEN HE SAW MC WAS ALIVE AND WELL LIKE. WHAT. 5 MINUTES LATER? HE TRIED TO MURDER THEM AGAIN????? absolutely zero remorse from him whatsoever and yet mc doesn't care. no one cares. he never even apologizes for the manipulation/attempted murder he just cries a little when the lilith thing is revealed and then eberyone's like Yeahhh Family!! SHUT UP
  • i then continued on for several more paragraphs about my anger about belphegor and the whole lilith thing but it got redundant so i'll end it here

(obligatory if you do end up taking any of these into account, you don't have to take All of them!!! no pressure!!! different people and different opinions n all that. good luck again regardless and hope you have a great rest of your week <3)

THANK YOU!!!!! more is on the way.. very soon...

thank you <333 + it's very important to me to be inclusive as a queer creator [: glad you enjoyed!


thank you <333

[insert the rest of the lyrics to the song here]

good!! then i'm doing my job right <3 (THANK YOU)



haha thank you!!!!

thank you!! :D

aw thank you so much <333


thank you!!! [:


aww thank you!! <3

thank you very much <33

ahh thank you for the sweet comment!

ack!!! thank you so much you are too kind <3

thank you! [:

aw that means a lot thank you <3

thank you very much! hope i won't disappoint when the next update drops <3

haha thank you! 

thank you for reading! <3

thank you!

i stopped playing obey me pretty much after the whole belphie thing wrapped up because i was so dissatisfied with how it went but i am very excited to follow the development of this, it's great so far! i'm so happy there are people out there brave enough to tackle rewriting the monster that is obey me; there are so many things about the og game i could complain about LMAO

also i've been in love with diavolo for absolutely no discernible reason since the very beginning so to actually be able to date him will be great

wishing you all the best in your game development journey <3

thank you!! :D

haha thank you so much! hoping to get the next update out soon :D

i just found this game downloaded on my pc with no recollection of what it was and oh my god, it was a delight. there was clearly so much work put into making this and it paid off!!! i've been a vn lover for years but this is one of the best ones i've ever played wow i'm in awe

thank you so much! i'm glad you enjoyed <3

thank you so much!!!! always love to see bilbo appreciation <3

don't get me wrong i love artemis but i also have a big fat crush on odina MAN she's cute. you did such a good job with all the characters!!