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A member registered Jun 01, 2020

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Honestly awesome fucking game. but. . .

I know the game says finished, but the factions are still kinda meaningless right? was excited to see development on that front!

i'm hella excited. i absolutely adore this game. genuinely. the character art is beautiful. 

Excellent work

That I respect and my condolences, my pupper gets me through the hardest days. He knows he's loved and I believe he understands this is closing in, but it won't matter as long as you're there to love him.

It's definitely something I'll put thought into. Also, I hope your pupper is on the mend, read some of your patreon. <3 

Thanks for the quick reply, assuming this gets updates slower than the patreon? I'm curious, because of the look of the game, it's got obvious detail that I enjoy. But thanks! I might jump on the patreon! :3

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I am interested but 7.99 is steep for me currently, looking for a game to sink into, would be my first bought game from here! :3

You're genuinely doing so fucking amazing! Thank you for your efforts.

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Forgot about this until I found an old file 0.43 and really enjoyed that to it's ending point, I see this and see changes and different art styles in the reboot! Out of curiosity why was the reboot needed? I mean this with no ill intent I am very curious as I thoroughly enjoyed the prior version but hesitate with this one! <3
Also how much does it deviate from the original?

Yep. Don't stress yourself though, you're doing great, I appreciate how hard you work!

sometimes the make up glitches off of the face and floats oddly.
please don't over do yourself on this <3

That could be it, but I wasn't sure specifically. I'll download the new one and test it soon, maybe it was just that but if you don't know that, you get soft locked with no way to have income. Thank you dude, you're fantastic and I saw the post a while back about gaiging interest and whether to keep going, I hope you do simply because I really think this is a great game. If and or when I have dispoable income, I'd like to drop you some support.

No worries at all! It's just being unable to change clothes and leave the house, you get the: " i'm not leaving the house dressed like this " dialogue not matter my deviance

Sounds good, I dont change before eve anyway, I wasn;t sure you could! but ill try it out!

No need to apologise, do I need to skip chapter in the cheat section?

The game is great and I hope you enjoy working on it, I really enjoy it. <3

it is free?

(2 edits)

Not sure if this is new but: I started playing, post accident, I got to the library job, I could change into the outfit to go work there but couldn't leave the house in it, I can only leave the house in default male attire, I can't work the coffee job now either as it says I need my uniforn, which I cannot wear! Otherwise great stuff! <3
edit: also the panties and bra objectives are not clearing even though i've done them!
Edit2: cheated my stats up and nothing changed, at least my lewdness one. ( one above the arousal i forgot the name, my bad)

A pretty fantastic free to play game. 

Yeah, i'd missed my potion reset is all but it was just frastrating.

I had plenty, just forgot to refresh.

And I'm not sure if it was a bug or not but Evie never cleansed me? She just spammed a heal.

Fantastic game either one, that was my only frustration bcause if you forget to reset your potion and you haven't saved in a while its painful.

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As I'ce stated before, fantastic game, playing this version my only issue is: faeries. sleep into orgasm, into sleep into orgasm. the sleep effect lasts too long, it's like 3 minutes in turns of the same animations, then you ALWAYS hit orgasm at the end of it disabling you for longer and then they can cast sleep AGAIN an dforce the cycle. give us cc immunity for like, 3 player turns after sleep please. ;-;

edit: I finally get out, it gets to swing again, latches and i can't move again, it's really boring.

edit: took me 15 minutes to get out of the loop.

Sad, I may still give it a look because its obviously very well made!

I'm very interested, but more so prefer playing a female protag! Is there an option in this game~? <3

Holym hell this was good! Hella excited for more!

Nice one, glad to hear and thank you! I look forward to it!

Looking forward to the next release and I really dig the pushing for donations to an animal shelter, lots of love. Hope you're staying safe and are on trach for the release.

He's a creator, I meant to mean it like a another fave creator. He has a few games, such as FEMDOM city mantis!

Is the game finished, or still in development if anyone knows~?

Too many games don't focus on a female protagnist, well lewd game, but it is something I really am enjoying! I was heartbroken to be hit with the current end of the game and wish you the best with it. So many people don't take the advantage of it. Though, I've found a few games now that are brilliant.

No problemo! More lewd games here should focus on female protagonist. Feels like theres a lot of male centric ones, but I follow around three, including this that I really dig!

Just as a follow up to sandboxer808 for me, the menu loaded after administrator was run. So I believe trying that might help some people! Also Necro fantastic game thus far!

Holy shit this is so good, I find it on par with another personal favorite of mine, Darktoz. It's so good, I love the interchanging options and the like. Next payday I will be joining your patreon. Fantastic work.

Hey! Thanks for the speedy response! 

I got to work and she gives me the make up prompt every time. Like, the same thing where it's take you into the staff room and does so. Unless I need to buy it somewhere?
Also I'm really potato and don't see the bug fix, so I might just be being stupid?

Hey guys, I really enjoy this game but I get "An exception has occured" in reguards to "cockworkGabbySprite." Does anyone know of a fix? Also how do I progress past the dancingblow with Rye?

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Currently caught at the bit with make up at work, thats there, everything else at classes is done ad chemistry says help Faye with her project. I've gone to people and just get the stop symbol when hovering over it?
Great work so far by the way!