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A member registered Mar 03, 2022

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Our Apartment communityCreated a new topic Refund Please

Yo uh i got the game due to the demo i played on Itch io (here) expecting the story to be all ready or for more content but most of the features are barely even working for me and I would like to request a refund

also idk i feel like i shouldnt but i sent you a long ass rave about how much i loved your game on discord so if you want to see it my thing is Squissy#0459 馃拃


CAN I PLEASE GET THE FULL SOUNDTRACK TO THIS GAME? ive actually fallen in love with the music along side the story and its gonna be a pain to go back through every scene with a new soundtrack to find it and add it to a new playlist.

How do i get saves from old version into this new one?

Can someone help me quickly, how do i out saves from old game download into this new update?

Hey, I only speak a little spanish but im pretty sure that he asked If the game was in Spanish/If you could play it in spanish. Then he said something about it being an excellent game i believe!