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A member registered Sep 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the review! Poor time management meant that I was making most of the levels Friday afternoon, and many of them ended up being harder than intended due to lack of play testing.  Another questionable design decision I made is that when monsters are turning, their Field Of View is actually smoothing moving from one side to the other,  and when they're walking it is centered on the direction they are actually moving. But since I only had time to draw 4 directions that they are facing, sometimes they look like they're looking in a cardinal direction when actually, they are looking at  a 45 degree angle.  Another thing which can be confusing is that the raycasting for detecting the player goes from the center of their hitbox to the center of the players hitbox (and the edges as well, if you are moving). The hitboxes are located near the players feet (so your head can overlap the walls  above you). This means that they can see you when there is a line from their feet to your feet, regardless if there is a line from their head to your head. I think this is one of those cases where it's actually necessary to cheat in the player's favor to make the game seem fair.

The atmosphere on this was amazing. I ran into some glitches here and there (mostly clipping issues, where you or an item gets stuck outside the playable area) so it took me three tries to beat it, but I was still happy to keep working at it.  Unfortunately, when I finished the potion, the screen went black, and I could here typing, but I couldn't read it. I'm using Firefox on Linux, BTW.

This is one of the gems of this Jam. There were times I wish there were more plentiful save points, or that the jumps had some coyote time, but these are criticisms of it as a the kind of game I would pay money for. For a game made in a week, this is awesome.

It took me a little bit to figure out that this game had a double-jump, but after that, I had a good time with it.

Nice simple, but fun game.  The difficulty ramped up a little to fast for my tastes, but I had a good time with it.

The game was a nice short little puzzle. I wanted there to be more of it, which is always a good thing for a demo.

The music for this game was epic.

I could only play the web verison, and the laggyness made the platforming kind of tricky, but the concept is nice, and aside from lacking some polish, it's a good game.

hrm. I was playing it on Linux using Wine, and spacebar doesn't work for some reason :(. Not your game's problem though.

You nailed this! Funny and challenging gameplay.

You nailed this! Funny and challenging gameplay.

Thanks. The concept is great. It just took me a bit to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. Once I got it, it's a nice frantic game. I just wish it played a little slower. I'm having a hard time reacting fast enough to do something once a police office appears on the screen.

How do you jump? I assume you can jump, because covering you eyes doesn't get you past the spikes

Nope. It gives me:

Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing?
If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).

Huh. The windows version doesn't have a .pck file, but works fine anyway.  Is there a way to make Godot (I assume you made this in Godot) export the games as a single file? Anyway, the game is fun.  I don't know why I never thought of using face masks when I was trying to come up with a game idea.  But shooting face masks at poisonous cloud breathing zombies is very topical. Good job.

The Linux version is just the executable. It doesn't include the .pck file :(

That room actually not that hard (compared to the Frankenstein mask room), but the trick isn't that obvious. Here's the solution with a rot13 cipher. You can translate it at

Jnyx fgenvtug hc gb gur pbeare, ohg qba'g tb evtug ng nyy. Jnvg sbe gur jbyszna pybfrfg gb lbh gb trg whfg cnfg rdhny gb lbh, urnqvat hc (abg qbja). Gura urnq fgenvtug evtug hagvy lbh pyrne gur unyyjnl (chfuvat ntnvafg gur jnyyf fybjf lbh qbja). Gura urnq qvntbanyyl hc naq gb gur evtug. Xrrc tbvat qvntbanyyl hagvy lbh ner whfg haqre gur gnoyr, gura urnq hc hagvy lbh trg gb gur gnoyr.  Lbh fubhyq znxr vg gurer jvgu abobql abgvpvat lbh. Lbh qba'g unir gb uvg gur gnoyr, ohg lbh arrq gb or ng yrnfg evtug arkg gb vg.  Gura dhvpx tvg oruvaq gur gnoyr naq jnvg va gur pragre bs vg hagvy gur arkg thlf pbzvat hc trg gb gur gbc naq ghea nebhaq. Gura eha gb gur evtug, naq tb qbja naq teno gur znfx. Chg ba gur znfg naq jnvg ng gur rqtr bs gur ynetr ebbz jvgu gur jbyszra.  Jura gurl cnff lbh, eha fgenvtug yrsg, trg trg bhg.

(1 edit)

Yeah, I didn't start making the actual game rooms until Friday, and in the rush to get a reasonable amount done by the deadline, I didn't have much time to play-test them and some of them ended up being harder than intended. And then there were some bugs (fixed in the post jam versions posted) that make 2 of them dependent on getting lucky with the AI.  Fortunately one of them is at the very start of the room so, you just keep dying until the monster AI picks a different direction. But the Frankenstein mask room IS frustratingly difficult. Which room were you stuck on? The Wolfman mask room (will all wolfmen) is actually not hard to beat once you figure out the trick, which is perhaps trickier than it should be.  But I'm assuming that everyone is getting stuck on the Frankenstein room.

The first mask is in the third room of the game, below the right-most coffin.  It looks like the vampires's head, but with black eyes.  They were supposed to have a glowing effect, but that got axed for time.  It seems like I should have probably made the time for adding that effect. Once you grab the mask, the Icon at the top left of the screen tells you which button you use to toggle it.  To make it easier for WASD users, JKL will toggle masks just like ZXC.

To beat the game, you need to collect the masks of the three different monster types. You can then wear them with Z, X, or C. Wearing a mask gives you a bonus to hide from monsters of that type.  You need them all to be able to get out of the final room.

working out bitmasks on the fly was surprisingly fun, and this was certainly an original direction to take the theme. Nice job.

Nice game. The graphics are awesome!

That certainly took the theme in a unique direction and the atmosphere was very well done. It the most emotionally engaging game I've played from this jam.

Running on Linux, I ran into issues where I could only turn so far in each direction. Other than that, whacking people in the back of the head never gets old. Nice!

Is it just me, or are the downloads missing from the games page now. That's a shame, since the concept sounds awesome.

I like the idea of all the abilities, but I couldn't really get the hang of using them. The directions on the walls were great, though.

Thanks! There are also bugs that made two levels harder than intended. I use intended lightly here, since I was just trying to get the rooms done in time, and had no time for balancing.  I didn't even play through the final versions of a couple of levels. The room where you get the Frankenstein mask has a monster that accidentally has its AI set to my initial test state, so it just wanders randomly. Unfortunately, it starts right in front of a single tile hallway, so if you're unlucky it will still be wandering back and forth right there. Also the passage to the room with the wolfman mask has the exit area placed to far down in the hallway, so you start right next to a monster, and if it walks towards you, it will always catch you. I'll fix those today (too late for the Jam Submission however). More tweaking the stealth and AI will happen later, along with hopefully adding in some of the dropped features.

Done! Yay! I'm officially a video game developer now! Clearly, I should have gotten to making the actual levels of the game before Friday morning.

Something appears to have gone wrong with the Linux export. The linux download is just the executable. It doesn't have the .pck file.

Oh. I hadn't even thought about how the RPG Maker tiles were licensed. I don't have tons of time for working on my project right now, so I'll wait to buy the tileset. Looking forward to seeing the updated set.  

I have a question entirely unrelated to this tileset, but I don't see a way in to contact you about a general question. According to this page , you are the artist who made the Retro Halloween Tiles. I would love to buy that tileset from you, but I don't want to use it for rpgmaker. So my question is, If I buy the tileset from that page, does it come with the tiles in an open image format, like png. Alternatively, do you know if there is an easy way to extract the images and convert them to another image format, without using rpgmaker. If not, I would love it if you could release them here in a non-rpgmaker specific format, or if I could just purchase them directly from you. Whatever is easiest for you. Those tiles are amazing. Thanks.