This was such a good game! It was so fun!
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This is Layla. Layla's mom was killed in a house fire that was set up. So in order to get revenge, Layla becomes a ghost every October to better search for her mother's killer. Layla can only be seen as a ghost if she wears bright colors (which she hates)
Layla as a human
Layla as a ghost

(I don't have a backstory for the lil ghost so yea)
This game is very fun. Although i played it on my phone, so I'll have to play it on my computer later. It was difficult to see where some objects were because my fingers were in the way, but other than that it's a fun game. I love how you can take the guy apart. Also my sister asked me what I was playing while playing this and I just said "nothing. Just don't look under the rug" and now she thinks I need therapy 😁 10/10 game will hide a body again later
Edit: So I played it on my computer (in which i'm currently typing this on) and this is what I did

The cat, the shark, and the mouse are guilty. I then tried to give the dead guy a blanket but he say no to it.
So funny story that this game reminds me of real quick (Sorry but this is gonna be kind of a rant-ish thing so bare with me thank you!) So it was dark and my dad had just gotten home from being somewhere (I can't remember where now) and when he got out of his truck, a goose charged at him and honking at him, so he apparently jumped back into his truck and called my mom, who had just gotten out of the shower. So my mom and I walk out there, and she has our broom and a flashlight in her hand and the goose was just calmly following us back to our house. So now every time I see a goose thats the first thing I think of.
As for the actual game itself, its cute. I love the art style! I also love how there's different themes.
Don't worry about the late reply. I honestly forgot about the fact I posted a comment in the first place lol. I honestly respect that though because I sometimes go into the kitchen and just grab a pack of crackers and sit down with them. Happy Thankgiving (depending on where you live at least, where I live its the night before at the time i'm writing this