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Cat Elm

A member registered Sep 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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5 Stars! Wrongwood is full of perfect toxic-forest vibes and is perfectly written with plenty of roll tables. This is such a flavourful setting and a must-have for all GMs.

Thabk you so much for such a wonderful comment! I'm so happy you like it, i hope it goes well in your games!

Thanks so much for buying! I'm glad you enjoyed, and looking forward to sharing more!

Hello! And apologies for the delayed reply.

I'm so happy to hear you played this and had a good time! I definitely think a big part of the fun is the fairly simple rules and getting to play at snooping round and investigating things.

You're right that 4 pieces of evidence is probably a bit much for a single session game, I'll have a look at adding/amending that when I revise a few things.

Thank you for your feedback!

Hi! Thank you, I'm really glad you like the supplement!

I'm afraid I'm not sure of any supplements in the same vein as this, but SleepySpoonie on tumblr published some short mechanics for lots of different chronic conditions. You can see the post here:

Hey! Thanks for your comment, I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed the mechanics!

Thank you so much! This is such a sweet and thoughtful review. I'm glad it felt nostalgic for you too - writing this was really evocative of my childhood and poking at things in the woods