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A member registered Jun 29, 2018

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(1 edit)

I quite enjoy the mechanics and the game is very cute and nice! There is a few things that I would suggest though.

First, I would tune the difficulty a little bit more. For someone who is just learning, easy mode shouldn't be incredibly difficult. I spent some time in the training area but that still wasn't enough. I imagine since this fighter does have more unique mechanics and movement, tuning some of the difficulty down in easy mode would help people adjust. 

Secondly, I really enjoy the concept of two main attacks, one that hits non-moving targets, and one that doesn't. I think there needs to be some more tuning when it comes to how many projectiles of the ones that hit stationary targets should be released. Right now, it can very often feel like those attacks are too powerful for some characters as it makes it hard to move around AND would hit you standing still. 

Lastly, and this is more of a nitpick, but I feel like while I enjoy a lot of the sprites and their designs, the animations can sometimes feel like they're lacking a frame or two. The key poses and timing is there, it just can feel a little too snappy, which in a game about fluid motion in a gravity-less environment, kinda counteract each other. Again this is the most nit picky thing I have, the animations are very cute and wonderful, it's just something I noticed.

Overall I think this is a really solid game! I hope you keep working on it and I'm really excited to see what the final product will look like! 

(P.S The menu screen is incredibly polished! From the Art to the Music it all creates a distinct mood that's quite unique <3)