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sadly the latest is v2.1 and no update really, could be that life or law got better hand on the creator
Is it just me or do others like rough looking arts too? please someone say 'yes' so I don't feel alone ('A' ) I mean good looking art is a step up and looks well deserved but sometimes I feel like old and rough contains that bitter spice you like to put on soup. I also noticed that old cape has more weight to it for being laying on hand more.
I was thinking to write a book in mid age, but I really need to read more philosophy and old teachings. Like when schools weren't a schools, just places to listen old dude speaking wise stuff. That's how all smart people were born. And I want to know how their old method was so strong. Just between us, nowadays everyone seems to be retards compared to people 3000 years back. We have made so many mistakes nowadays and I want to write a very effective book. But as I said it won't be nearly good if I don't understand anything I'm about to teach, or "awake minds" might be closer saying to my goal.
Does, "shut up and stop whining", sound better to you then? Does it give same lesson? Does it make you understand the situation better, when it's typed in 5 words, 5 words that doesn't open up from any corner, 5 words that can be typed to any post anywhere on any site on any subject. To me, not. And that's why I am better and more meaningful than you to the subject. And I'm saying this, because you clearly don't know your place or angle you come from. I'm giving you corners to unwrap and let you alone understand what I'm trying to say. Only you can understand, not others. Unless they share same mind than you. That's why I'm writing and you should keep reading. Once you are able to write in matter that opens up our point of view for the subject, I can let you write and I let you open the door for next lost one.
This can be written in many ways and I let you to think about this. I really hope you do understand.
Maybe because of new people comes and goes.
I also checked some of your reviews and some of them doesn't make sense like, "why does zillah not like virgins man", that doesn't really show the situation, why or why not. Some characters could be like they only like virgins. Would you asking then too why or what's your point here?
Also I somehow get feeling that you are just finding conversations from our community, when you point out that some of the characters that are too young or something like they are childs. It's all fantasy if you can't handle that idea then just close the game and never comeback to it. In other hand this can be used to build stories and twists and maybe it's meant to make you feel disgust, we all are different. To me, for example, I don't care, it's just game. It has literally no control to my doing in real life etcetera. Also from experience, watching literally diaper baby fucked and then cut in half and fucked again, of course this is meant to feel bad, like no shit Sherlock, but it's still allowed to show in my opinion so that you can make people feel disgust.
And that's why it's okay to exist, as long as it doesn't affect in real world, like pointing out known people and blackmailing so on, so on. There are unwritten rules that we can relate and therefor know our limits. These limits are what varies from people to people and should know their place between others.
I could go on and fricking whole book, but I hope this lightened your understanding little bit.