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A member registered Oct 09, 2020

Recent community posts

Was there any update on this.  I've seen lots of games on that do come with Steam Key options and was wondering if that is something that can be added to this game, especially for people who bought it here years ago before Steam was even an option.  I love the game and  wouldn't even mind possibly paying a smaller price for a steam key.  I am just hoping to avoid having to pay full price twice to get the game fully in steam instead of just having a shortcut added to my steam account.

Yes, but there are two entries for Zack, "Zack" and "Guard" and if you battle Zack in the bakery that finishes the Zack entry in the Dicktionary, not the separate entry for Guard.

Go through Golden Sand again, they are in the rotation there.

(1 edit)

First off I just want to make clear that I love the game and just want to help make it better!  Also, I love that it could come to Steam and hope that there will be a way to give people who bought it here on itch access to it on Steam as well if possible. 

I have noticed a few small things though that may or may not be bugs and/or translation issues:

1.  There does not appear to be a way to find Guard (Zack) again after he has taken his armor off and gone back to the bakery, so there is no way to complete his battle weakness list in the Dicktionary or rent a room with him . 

2. There is an entry in the Dicktionary for Horace's Clone despite never dueling/battling the clone and when you click into the entry there is no picture of the clone in the upper left corner. 

3. When you duel/battle the Infernal Trio the pronouns are singular (for example, "Finish Him") instead of plural (for example, "Finish Them") but this could probably be fixed by copying over the pronouns from the duel/battle sequences with Tristan and Hector. 

4.  Some of the new dialogue is a bit awkward in English, especially the "wet" and "wetness" dialogue.  Maybe if a list of the new dialogue was posted or screenshots of it were posted people on here could offer some group ideas to help improve the English translation?

EDIT, P.S., not sure if it matters, but I've been using the Windows version.