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A member registered Mar 27, 2016

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A nice and short experience. It has ensured that I see the contact with my fellow human beings, especially my older relatives, from a different perspective and that I recognize the importance of it to them. Thank you!

Thank you so much for your games, Angela! They're really something special and also important. They deliver difficult topics and important messages in a good, if not abstract, way. And those drawings, music and sounds are very beautiful!

Keep up the good work!!

Great game!! Especially the idea behind the story. I cried. ^^ Can't wait to get more games like this!

Did this game freezing bug appear in the sewers in Frost? This is where my game froze. I'm glad if this one is fixed now.

I didn't finished it yet but I love it already!! The music is so beautiful, the characters are so wholesome and lovable and I really love those lovely drawn scenes.

I even started a small (german) Let's Play series on my channel: 

Keep up that awesome work! I look forward to your future projects. c:

Not what I expected but it was fun! Even though I'm really bad at such games and very easy to frighten haha ^^

(1 edit)

Uhhh mit einer deutschsprachigen Antwort habe ich nun eher weniger gerechnet. ^^

Vielen Dank für die weitere Aufklärung! Ich bin in manchen Aspekten zwar schon grundlegend ganz gut educated, aber bei weitem noch nicht am Ende. Es gibt immer was dazuzulernen, also danke für die Ergänzung.
Es ist auf jeden Fall ein sehr interessantes, wenn auch vielschichtiges Themenfeld. Aber solche game experiences wie diese, helfen schonmal sehr gut dabei, eine erste Orientierung zu bekommen und sie sorgen spielerisch vor allem auch dafür, dass Interesse geweckt wird. Es bräuchte viel mehr solcher Inhalte. Wenn ihr vielleicht noch ähnliche Spiele rund um queere Themen kennt, würde ich mich persönlich sehr über solche Empfehlungen freuen.

In diesen Sinne - noch zum Abschluss des pride month: Happy Pride! c:

Nice concept! Thanks for educating us on that important topic.

Wow. It doesn't happen often that a game leaves me so emotional or thoughtful. Great theme, important topic and I like the LGBTQI+ representation. Love it!

It was a little different than I expected. But I enjoyed it!

Thank you. c: