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Celestial Games

A member registered Jun 17, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hello Came back to try the application again.

9.1 Launches and works YAY

10.1 Crashes still

I could not find the log folders local. Search both drives for that folder name in case it was going someplace else. It was not there. However in 10.1 there is a local ‘log_temp.txt’

The contents are just this.

[MESSAGE] 2022/11/17 5:39:5 > session begin

Thank you for the feedback and playing the game.

Glad you liked the concept too. I am pretty happy with it although I do wish I had come up with a less jarring noise then basic random.

Yip the level does go on a bit too long. Should have compressed it.

Hello, thank you for playing and giving feedback.

I could not agree more about the gameplay going on too long or rather not diversifying to justify going on. It was an attempt to see how memory of the map would work with the vanishing platforms and it didn’t really prove interesting. In hindsight taking some of the level building time and adding audio would have been a far better use of the time.

Thank you very much.

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing.

I had guessed it would hurt some people’s eyes. Might have been able to improve it with adjustments to how the noise is made. Probably just a less busy noise.

So after a few days of working with the tool there is one thing I am finding a bit hard to manage.

When I add an array of reference links what is the expected behavior.

In order to say what is linked I must have items in the design. If I create a sub item and try clear that it looses what is linked to and there is no way to recover.

So the root type I added an element and set it’s link type.

But on the sub type if I delete that first element and then add a new one what it links to has been forgotten.


I have tried version 0.7.5 0.8.0 and 0.8.1 all don’t start when I click the executable.

I unzip it and have tried running as administrator. Is there any way I could enable some kind of logging that might help me debug.

I will continue to see if I can figure out a root cause.

Best Regards


Firstly the tool is great and perfect for so many things we need it for so Thank you.

Some features I would love to see (or be pointed to if they already exist)

Date Support

We have built a date with 3 drop number fields but of course that doesn’t verify the date is perfect. We use dates for features that are only available during holidays and timed events so this would be very handy.

Time Support

Same as dates there are occasions we do things that are time dependent.


The number round down to one decimal place. We often capture fractions with 2 or more decimal places.

Command Line

This may already exist, but if not it would be great to be able to from command line execute the opening and extraction of any of the types so we can build CI around the database into the game.

Thanks for the great tool and your time.

Thanks, so glad you enjoyed it.

Well done finishing the game.

(2 edits)

Thank you for playing our jam game. It’s really cool you enjoyed it and I we pleased with the half life reference.

** Spoiler **

The power is turned fighting a swarm hidden behind the space ship.

Hey guys thanks for taking part.

Things I liked about the game.

  • Food fighting (who doesn't have an inner child that wants a messy food fight)
  • I liked to concept of collecting the food but was unsure if that made any additional change to game-play)
  • The room design had the potential to create interesting combat strategies.

Things I think could be improved.

  • Player feedback. (esp but not limited to Juice)
  • Clearer mechanics. I felt lost a lot in terms of what was happened and what each choice meant.
  • The game felt incomplete, did you guys run out of time?

I feel your game is not really showing it's full potential due to what looks like incomplete features. I look forward to seeing your future projects.


Thanks for taking part.

Things I liked about the game.

  • Love the frantic game play. Really captured the frantic feelings of the old gauntlet for me.
  • The having to choose between getting a steak or protecting the wagon at times was cool. Love the two health bars to protect.
  • Co-op I just love co-op games.
  • Great juice and polish especially for a short jam.

Things I think could be improved.

  • Visual space gets a bit cluttered in tight combat.
  • Some sort of rebuf or push away so you have more then one tool to protect the wagon.
  • Controller changing colors to match the players color.
  • Complete game loop without requiring a reconnect each time.

Really great results for a one man game jam game.  Polished and fun. Look forward to see more of your work.


Thanks for taking part.

Things I liked about the game.

  • Loved the primary theme was a pretty awesome take on the jam theme.
  • The bitmap graphics are great.
  • Loved stealing other peoples collections was a really nice game play mechanic.
  • Games are quick which I think suits this style well.
  • Having the changing list of what you need to collect for additional score is great.

Things I think could be improved.

  • The dropping items could be more easily identifiable (exp those with text in the icons)
  • Each players score details could be statically place at the bottom for more readability.
  • Some additional game elements like boosts that drop down could be cool too.
  • Seeing the player I am playing on the phone would have been a great enhancement.

Hope to see more from you soon.


Hey guys thanks for taking part.

Things I liked about the game.

  • Utilizing the SA Map as a backdrop was great.
  • Loved the 3d landmarks on the map.
  • The core idea of collecting people and dashing to drop them off was fun.
  • Doing a little more with the Table Realms tech was great (menu page)

Things I think could be improved.

  • Game overlay information was hard to read while people are moving around.
  • Additional pressure in the game play loop.
  • Snap zoom out when players leave could be smoother.

All in all great work for the short time while also learning a new technology. I hope to see more from you guys moving forward.


Hey guys. Sadly we just had too many interruptions over the last two weeks. We wont be ready to release with the Jam. (Got pretty close but that is still a miss :) )

We will still finish the game and just release it for fun.

Here some shots of the current build.

If you would like to see more for them you can visit our wiki.

Look forward to playing some of the entries that made the deadline.

Hey guys,

Only saw the jam on the 17th so under a lot of pressure. Just cant turn down the opportunity to build a Star Trek game. :D

We decided to build an RTS game set 500 years after the Romulans broke away from the Vulcans. With the pretense that they at some point in impulse only ships tried to invade the then primitive Klingon home world (you can guess more or less how that would go).

Here is a little eye candy from the current build.

In game Klingons

If you keen to know more or see what units we planning you can look on our wiki (design guide).