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A member registered Mar 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Of course! I didn't invent the idea of multiple endings anyway lol. Good luck with your project!

Maybe try clicking on her?

Hint: Once Quiverpaw starts talking, you've sealed your fate.

If you already know how to get Dradnats and Gniretiol, try doing a similar thing with the rose

When you find Quiverpaw dead, maybe try searching around

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Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the game :D I am indeed working on another game that takes place in the same universe, so hopefully I can get that out soon

Yeah, I made it in TurboWarp :)

Quiverpaw used to love roses

No, that was a hint for Dradnats, Gniretiol, and Seilferif (Quiverpaw’s dialogue starts if you stay in her area for 3 seconds)

Two panels left of Starlight in the Moonlight Island cave

Hint: Did you know that you can enter and exit Quiverpaw's area as much as you want? As long as you don't hang around, her dialogue won't start and she won't die. You two can live happily ever after! :)

Also I'm assuming you also haven't gotten Gniretiol

As I said to Cl0v3rzG4m3s:

Once Quiverpaw starts talking, you've sealed your fate.

(I have a much more specific hint too, but it might give it away, so let me know if you'd like that instead.)

Thank you! :D And the Google Doc thing a good idea, I'll work on that!

For Dradnats, Gniretiol, and Seilferif:

Once Quiverpaw starts talking, you've sealed your fate.

(I have a much more specific hint too, but it might give it away, so let me know if you'd like that instead.)

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If you touch Quiverpaw while she’s dead, the game ends (lmk if you want me to be less cryptic lol)

Hmm. Did you leave the area when Quiverpaw started talking or something? I can see if I can fix it

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

space bar

Hmm, the one I had in mind is probably a bit too specific so I'll say this:

Once Quiverpaw starts talking, you've sealed your fate.

Would you like a hint? I can give you the same hint I gave Cometspark lol

Thank you! :D

After the black screen appears, the game is over and you have to refresh. Remember, triggering the dialogue is step one of the end. After you touch her when she’s dead, there’s no going back. What else can you do?

(Spoilers) When you find her body as normal and the ??? guy pops up that’s the “Standard” ending, When you don’t leave Quiverpaw, that’s the “Loitering” ending, and when you give her the rose and she’s overgrown that’s the “Good” Ending. I’ll probably add messages at the end that tells you what ending you got

Yes, but I might change it if it gets too annoying

Thank you!

If you’re mates and at the highest relationship level, keep going to sleep in your nest and he’ll ask


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Yeah. Thunder doesn't know who Starlight is, but I wanted to give special dialogue for her anyway

Who's Summerblaze?

You can walk by pressing the arrow keys onscreen, and press the paw onscreen to exit dens

Yep! If you’re at least an apprentice, buy him a bouquet from the shop to date him. Then keep giving him gifts, and finally give him a diamond to propose to him (once you’re a citizen)

In the cave to the left of the entrance

meaning, keep giving gifts to them until you reach max hearts

You have low health. Sleep or eat herbs to heal

you can buy one at the cafe when you graduate

She’s at Moonlight Island

At Moonlight Island :)

keep going to sleep in your nest when you're at max relationship with your mate

keep giving gifts to people, a bouquet once you reach max stars, rinse and repeat, then give them a diamond

Henlo to you too!