Somehow it would be great also if some tool to make mods would be available, it would be great
Cha Sis
Recent community posts
I will share my opinion, I like the idea, personally I like more the gameplay of this one, it's more risky more cool, more contact with the ghost sometimes appearing and not only in the hunt, I think starting from the premise of this game called "rigman edition" it will be more replayable and fun :)
I understand, I really like your projects, "Lustful spirit Hunt" especially very much, I would like this one not to have its end. What if you could make mods? Any tool making available to those interested in creating maps or new ghosts? You may notice that I am not an expert in video game development but I ask, how difficult would this be? ❤️❤️
Hello, what if there was a "Tag After School" style survival game mode reusing the maps, objects and ghosts as an extra? For example, capturing all the ghosts on a map or completing the game would allow the player to play a Survival mode as an extra infernal mode where you have to survive for x amount of time on the map you have chosen, where only the ghosts of that map will appear. , that the player has to keep candles lit, crouch, walk very slowly, run, eat, drink when hearing the approach or seeing the appearance of another ghost, make a circle of salt to avoid others, simply hide, turn on and off the flashlight in the direction of x ghost, doing what x ghost demands, looking at them carefully for a while, keeping music playing, leaving one room or going to x another, answering the correct call from a ghost when the phone rings and you have to pay attention the number and don't delay, keep breathing, solve a puzzle, keep the lights off in x room or turn it on and pay for them very quickly. And if you don't want to animate the ghosts walking or their appearances, I think that with the good use of sounds or a tool that helps us such as cameras or a detector, it would work just as well. I think it would be fun, it would be one more motivation to capture them all, more of a reason for replayability and all this with a lot of content reuse. Would it be very difficult to make this real? Translator
I love this project♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I have a doubt, the cauldron is something broken?, that is, I think if you take it and try to put something in each of the rooms you end up finding the room of the ghost without other tools very quickly, because so far only lets us put something in the cauldron if you are in the room of the ghost. Even if you don't know the type of ghost with this method, this is still a great advantage "somewhat broken" I think.