Link to the Unofficial Archipelagates server for any who wish to share/find new presets and npcs to mess with and/or chat with the 150+ fellow community members. All are welcome! 馃榿
Cha0s The0ry
Recent community posts
There is currently only the Patreon subscriber Discord or the Unofficial one hosted here:
Link to the Unofficial Archipelagates server for any who wish to share/find new presets and npcs to mess with and/or chat with the 121+ fellow community members. All are welcome! 馃榿
Link to the Unofficial Archipelagates server im hosting for any who wish to share/find new presets to mess with or chat with fellow community members. All are welcome. 馃榿
Yo, thank you so much! I'll be sure to let the others on the server know this patch is out! Feel free to join by the way. Its not an officially hosted server by RalivDev, but its the only current option for purchasers without subbing to the Patreon and I'm sure you'd be more than welcome.
I have decided to go ahead and make a Discord server for those wanting to post and/or find presets until such a time that that RalivDev decides to take over (get in touch and we can do a transfer), or make their own entirely.
Would it be possible to give NPCs a chance (maybe with a slider in npc creator even?) to start masterbating while watching others perform one of the positions?
Additionally, can we give them other positions that they know? It'd be nice to see them do some of the other positions in the wild with the other npcs instead of just the player character.
Loving the game and definitely not making tons of NPCs in the creator. XD
My only real request is a bigger variety of creator options as there are a lot of times where I feel stuck because there are no marking or body part options that really work well. But baring adding options, the thing that would really be the best would be the ability to mix all the different body parts between all bodies. Like using an Elf face on a dragon body or give a canine body dragon horns, but especially allowing the canine and dragon bodies to use the elf hair and vise versa.
Other than that, the game is great and I look forward to seeing it get even better.