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A member registered Dec 07, 2020

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some guy like to jerk off to hijab i think its fuckup and they are couple million in muslim country :) does its make me right ?

some guy like jerk off to other guy i think its discosting that make me right ?

well well welll i got to meditate oin that... did not we even talk abotu animal stuff too ! 

seriouly Epstein add blackmail video of  the crown prince charle of england doing stuff with minor and no one care the world if FuckUp already dont call yourself a White angel i am sure you are you shit at home and its okay whatever you do has long has you no harm anyone I DO NOT WANNA KNOWS :) bye

na how can you be wrong ?! Your Morale standart are above us all !!!

maybe you should create a CULT name the MORAListeElistist Club

i am sure you found many folower !!!

BS off : they is no child here only a drawing :) but if you see something else i am amaze by your imagination.

LOOOL yes contact interpol to locate the cartoon caracter from terrible abuse poor girl we got to found and free fer  :) ... wait a minute did you think a image is real person ? do you think if i draw a man dying in coul go to jail for murder IRL ??? seriouly... is it a joke or you really are a snowflake...