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A member registered Nov 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Agreed! Can't wait to see this finished!

Thank you very much. I will add them to my searches!

Thank you, i've mostly just always called it concept art in my mind cause any time ive seen it is from video game art books. But i'll try my googlefu with a couple of additional keywords.

(1 edit)

I know this is an odd question but I am not an artist.

Hell I don't even pretend to be one on TV. 

I've gotten my script for a visual novel created and starting to search for free assests. Im also trying my best to make use of the Art Packs given to us. However Im wanting the whole game to gel and have a coherent and consistent look. My question is, what is this art style even called? I see it in things like concept art all the time but I've never seen a name with it. I can only imagine if i get a name to the art style it can help me searching for more free assets under CC searches.  Everytime i've ever seen it i've always chalked it up to a concept/digital/oil/sketch/beautiful type piece, but these aren't really helping in my search. 

So any help would be appreciated, please and thank you.

The script writing part is pretty easy for me. The best advice I can give to anyone is a trick I learned from a script writing class. Think of the ending and work backwards. With each major beat ask your self, what caused this moment to happen, and when you have that moment fleshed out, ask the same thing. Write out the main beats till you get to the beginning, then just working in making them complete, fleshed out scenes. 

As for the art packs... They are nice, but... Not quite what I'm going for. The art style is about right, with most being that beautiful rough painting/sketch look that I just adore. However this is a more more personal and street level story I think for the most part. Ill just keep searching and Im sure Ill find something in the next 20 some odd days. 

So this is the first game im ever making. But I have been an ST for years. I've decided to go with a fairly simple VN using Renpy. My only problem is I am in no way an artist, so yay trying to find free art assets that look like they belong in the story your making... Well I'm still looking for stuff as I'm script writing.

Im half way done with the script now and set it up with 5 different endings and 2 shortened endings. 

I was very inspired by Draw distance and their games. And while I may not be able to throw in as many fancy things that they have, but thats the mark I'm aiming for.