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random guy on the internet

A member registered Jun 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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hotdog in the macaroni


yes it was, i was going to use godot because im learning it but i also was close to finishing this game on scratch and i decided to finish it up and use it for this jam

me as vvell

does zip vvork? cause it vvorks on vveb, also pino L not having vvindovvs

STOP flashing me pls

i made all songs btvv

are heptagons the shape allowed?

im not using a blender model and this is the complete code 😭😭😭😭

this weird enviroment is just a test so far!

tried that, it says it has a problem with jt not following the vector3(float, float) signature

Interfecto community · Created a new topic Starting my game

this is a godot project im working on for fun.

so im trying to code a bullet script using a rigid body 3D and its going good, but ive hit a wall and i cant figure out how to get past it

godot keeps on saying that the index "rotation" is invalid and on a null instance, idk what to do (im using 3D btw)

heres my code: 

extends RigidBody3D

func _physics_process(delta):

var impulse_strength = 100

var angle = $RigidBody3D.direction3D

$RigidBody3D.apply_central_impulse(Vector2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * impulse_strength)

i love retro stuff like this

"she killed your dog"

she fucking WHAT

if you walk at the start of the level in the right way, you fall into the ground

sensory overload ahh song

nvm.. i dont know what to do for the update, this probably will just stay as a flappy clone unfortauntelty

yeah i should update it


yeah your right this is just flappy birds, but this was made in 3 hours, im gonna update this with plane battles, 

can ya'll like make projects in scratch for the scratch game jam

what are the controls

i made plane game, its a endless game

63 cents 🤑

wish i understood anyithng in this or if i knew how to attack


gave me a trojan virus but it was chill

issue: at the starting area i bounced into a wall and am now stuck in a never ending green hellscape

nvm i had to smash buttons

theres a bug where at the start of the game i get stuck in the cutscene with the weird stone guy

eggs community · Created a new topic egg


that trailer looks like something from 2003 and i love it

i lied
