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A member registered Nov 25, 2014

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Also, when playing in hard mode, the player stops receiving AP after day 21, and the calendar track also stops advancing.

Hi, just playing the latest release.

  • The "NATO Leaders Visit Kyiv" card doesn't seem to change Kyiv to yellow from red/brown. It also doesn't say what happens if Kyiv is already blue.
(3 edits)

Hi Adam,

Some quick feedback (I am playing on a 1440p Windows 10 machine at 100% screen scaling):

  • The final scoring table should use a more visible font for the non-highlighted scoring levels
  • I think the top score category was meant to be 375+. Right now it says 300+ (which overlaps with 300-374)
  • Defaulting to a frameless window instead of fullscreen would help with screenshots
  • The Morale track is not currently labeled
  • The VP Track label is actually touching the track itself
  • Sometimes the oblast names on the map are obscured by the Russian Event dialogue, making it harder to figure out the impact of the decision
  • Consider making the dialogues modal (preventing interaction with the background). Right now, background controls can still be interacted with while a dialogue is visible (even if it's not clear to me if they have any effect)
  • At the end of the game, there should be an option to start a new game instead of needing to exit first
  • As a solitaire scoring game, a local scoreboard might be helpful for players to see their prior performances
  • The rules should note whether or not unused AP roll over, and if so, how many
  • The Russians never seem to counter-attack Crimea. Arguably, if the player takes Crimea (fairly simple in early turns), then Russian actions should heavily bias a counterattack there (arguably, it should also increase Russian unrest and also decrease Western support due to being regarded as an escalatory move at this early point in the war)

Thanks again for the thoughtful excursion!

(1 edit)

Hi, your Windows Zip appears to contain only Mac files

jav-it.exe download /c <cookies file path> /i "<video id>" /o <destination folder>

So something like:
jav-it.exe download /c cookies.txt /i "h_113ss00083" /o D:\JAV

With cookies.txt being in the same folder as jav-it.exe