The demo is super cute, so I'll definitely buy this when I have the money. Representation for gentle dominance is really rare so I want to support this when I can! Thank you :))
Recent community posts
Hey I don't know if these people asked if they could use the art work you're using but I wanted you to know that I found a game that's using artwork from this game:
i dunno if there will be another chapter, but i think it's important to say that the writing for this is bloody beautiful and i had a great time going through it. i do hope there is more at some point but i also just want to read anything else Anya writes because this is fantastic prose and i really really enjoyed it.
i'm sorry people are accusing you of such silly things :S i read that it probably has something to do with how save files are managed on the browser (it uses cookies instead of the traditional save method) so you have to specifically have something for that but i dunno? i know nothing about programming, anyway i hope i can figure out a way to get Wine to work with out but regardless i wish you luck with developing the game :))
So there doesn't seem to be any way to save or load save files through the index.html method of playing the game, and i can't use the .exe file cos for w/e reason the game doesn't play nice with Wine, which is unfortunate cos this seems like a neat game, i'll definitely keep an eye on it and try and figure out a way for me to play on my set up.
i think it speaks of the quality of what i've read when i say the end left me wanting more. i am fascinated by the characters, the world and what was said.
i've actually been thing a lot about the correlation between the transcendent experience of subpsace, trance, highs and religious ecstasy and how in the grand scheme of things they often are the same thing. and i'm glad i got to see this in prose.