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A member registered Jun 13, 2020

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I prefer  you to have things that you are happy with before releasing. This update is enough. I'm sure we can wait for an update. If there was no update at all on the progress, now that's a different story.

(1 edit)

Apologies if you felt that way. I didn't mean an actual game update. For me, any update, whether it's a game update or something to notify us, it's still an update. I appreciate that you are letting us know about these things. Many developers tend to go silent for like months without any notifications/updates to the community and that usually kills the hype. Not sarcasm at all and I am grateful that you took the time to let us know that you got plans coming for us to enjoy.

Thanks for the update!

dildo man be cameo in so many games ahahaha

is the steam version more updated than the itch version?

Their Patreon says there's new stuff coming for DA but ofc it's going to the Patreon people first, so probably longer before any changes will be available on Itch