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A member registered Aug 22, 2022

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Starmaker 1.5A Guide and FAQ try this guide,

restart is only way to fix stream

restart game is the only way for now

Starmaker 1.5A Guide and FAQ use this

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there is a guide Starmaker 1.5A Guide and FAQ tv is red button but can't get prev trait its bugged

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is the TV bugged because i can't trigger the TV ghost to get the Prev trait and can you please make the save slots single save file please and the guide needs updating please. and can we get the option to turn on or off auto save please 

ok thank you

Hey N2thefire love the games so far would be better if the girls have voices to make the game better just idea for you. But I would like to ask for help in making a VN game how would I go about starting and getting help with it

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hi Abbys cat I would like to help you with the story for the English text side because its needs to fix up a bit in some areas just message me if you need the help.

just a heads up the game crashes after long skipping of text and closes game

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Try using Workupload its free

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hey just wondering if you are going to make a second Damon game to corrupt the rest of the family and to continue the house family to full pregnancy and give birth to more daughters to play with later when they are older and the collage and the town that would be great.

i have one question? did you base the game off High School DxD by any chance.

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thanks and i would like to learn how to make a game like last human and serenity but i would like to make it like a free Roam and stats like skill charm and magic and so on, and would like to combined the two in some way but i don't have the knowledge to make a game like that. so i was looking to hire someone to help me out when i get enough money to do that. and one more thing in serenity why don't we see the Mc face at all well we get to see his face in the episode 3

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hey N2theFire I was wondering if you can tell if you made the music for the games Last Human and  Serenity if you did I would love to get them to listen too they are nice and relaxing.

ok thank

Hey i like the game very much just wondering if you are adding any content with lily mother any time soon 

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 when is the next update going to be released we would like to know thank  you 

love the game and the smooth animation to the scenes keep up the good work and can wait to see the next ep. 

Did you do phase 2 in one go if so you need to do it over 2-3 days

Ok and just a thought you may want to have a update log for people so have now what your up too on the game and info on future updates

When is the next update coming

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When will we be getting the next version of the game...

Just a thought can you add pregnancy too the game i would like to see summer and Gloria and the rest to get pregnant???

Thanks for the info

Hi I've just play both serenity Chapters 1 and 2 and last human every good games just got 3 Questions

1. In some point in the games do they cross over where the MC which i named myself 😃 do they meet at anytime through out the games.

2. Is rin the only one that can go between both games or are their others.

3. And in last human will we see demon and fairy's and shades in up coming Episode's.

When's the next episode coming out. Can't wait for it, great game too.