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A member registered Dec 01, 2020

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Had A Great Time playing it, I had fun memorizing the Monster's movements to get by. 10/10

This game was amazing, I really enjoyed the different enemies and the difficulty was perfect for me. I sometimes got lost but it forced me to strategize through the maze and the house, the enemies were creepy and atmospheres perfect. 

Great game, very atmospheric and spooky. 10/10

Great game, I enjoy the stepping through the screen and puzzles were great. 馃憤 

It's up!

(3 edits)

This made me travel back to Rapture, But it was better. I recorded a video about it and Hope it can help spread the word about such an amazing game. Bravo to you and everyone involved. I'll share the video here when it is up, I literally just finished cutting it together. Great Great Great!!!

I enjoyed it, and the bad ending shook me. I had a fun time doing the puzzles, they also made me appreciate the lyrics of Kendrick's songs. Great game. 馃憤

I enjoyed the game, the 2d and 3d switch was a nice touch to change gameplay from a traditional platformer. Nice story too!

I went in blind and it hit me hard, I'd watched videos from Ukraine and this is the reality for everyone. Just waiting till your time comes. Thanks for making and giving me the experience. 

Also sad I can't put the thing in my truck. 馃槀

Had a great time playing your game, trying to get back to the cabin in was intense. Great game keep making more, youre awesome. 馃槑 

I liked it,  really enjoyable for a short game. my obs didnt record game audio so i had to make my own. lol

Great atmosphere and mechanics were classic. I enjoy the subtle horror and enjoyed playing it. Keep it up!!

I had fun, very good!!

I enjoyed it, if I have a vote godot is good.  Keep it up!! 馃憤

Great  and different fishing mechanics, challenging and good. 


Pretty good game, I enjoyed the story and it is a classic indie game. Great fun and good stuff. I recorded a video too.

Sign me up to try! It would be cool if I could be a voice for you.

Might be extra, but I really enjoy writing and could do some voice acting.  Also I'm good at planning thing out. I'm CharismaRising, lol!

This was a great on by you guys, Thanks for letting me know about it. you guys make some great experiences. thanks for making your mark on here. :D

I have it downloaded and just need my wife's OK to record. She doesn't appreciate my screaming at random times of the night. I look forward to the fun, you guys have a good night! :D

I had a great time playing it, thank for the experience!! 

I just played through it yesterday and it was amazing, thank for sharing a demo, I'll definitely be looking at this on steam!

I had a great time playing it, those graphic are super cool. Those necromorphs  were freaky.

this was short but a perfect atmosphere for the experience!! Great job

I had a great time and it made me scream so loud my wife yelled at me. Great horror and awesome style!

I played it on a different video, but i made my wife play it and it was golden. a great game and amazing puzzles. we both loved it.

i had a great time. i loved the subtle horror and the story is awesome. it reminded me Mr. Freeze's from Batman.

I just played and it was good, a great horror. I glad there wasn't any crazy jumpscares.  Great game my guy,  i hope your day is well.

Great game guys i love the style! Here is my video on it!

GREAT  Game, it got me messed up even my wife when i screamed, 17:12 for the Scream good work my guy. I Loved it!!!!

i played a short bit and enjoyed the game, keep up the fine work!!

Just made a video. This Game is a short beautiful masterpiece, and I hope my small video can help spread the word about this awesome game. I would recommend it to anyone who loves historic aspects in games.

Friend invite sent,  hope to talk soon. I'm central Standard time US, and work till 4 pm tomorrow. Any time after im free for what ever.

I dont know if i can help, but ill try