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A member registered Jun 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ahh the poor Internet speed might be causing it 😓 The first two shouldn't be a problem (all of the content is either original except the music and SFX, which is cleared for use; the game doesn't have any particularly inappropriate content, either) and I'm not sure about 3 and 4 (although I would be very surprised if the game is banned anywhere? There isn't really that much in terms of objectionable content, no sex or graphic depictions of violence, even).

Oh no 😭 I'm sorry to hear that! That's strange, as it should work with the itch app to bypass the security problems 💦 Is there any chance that you're using MacOS Monterey? For some reason my games don't work on that version, and I don't have a Monterey Mac available to debug the issues. Other than that my only suggestion would be to try to add the game to your security exceptions (either by ctrl-clicking to open or going to your security center to add it to your exceptions)? 

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked these details! 😊 Thank you for playing!

I'm sorry 😅 I only speak English fluently, and I can't afford translations, so I can only produce translations with the help of volunteers. My apologies! 😟

Oh no 😭 😭 I'm sorry, I have no idea why that would have happened! 💦 I suppose it was a regional ban? 

Ah yes it is, I'm sorry 😔 Basically happens with all builds of my games since they're not "signed" (since signing apps costs quite a bit of time/money) so they're not "officially" recognized by the OS, but they should be quite safe to run! 

AHHH L., thank you for reading my long-ass rambling 😭 💦💦 I'm so flattered that you were interested in the original myth based on my game 😂   The myth always rubbed me the wrong way, ever since I heard it 😭 I think sometimes it's interpreted as an artist's purehearted love for his craft, but man, Pygmalion literally marries and IMPREGNATES Galatea 😭😭😭 He purposefully indulges in his narcissism and then gets everything that he wants, including a wife handed to him like some prize to be won... Even some more feminist retellings of Pygmalion, like Shaw's play, seem to skirt around potraying him as a """bad""" guy, portraying him as some kind of savior instead, crafting Galatea into a better version of herself. Unfortunately Pygmalion gives me such the heebie-jeebies that I can't accept any variant where he actually marries Galatea as anything other than a frightening cautionary tale 😭 

I'm glad that you think my retelling was worthy, I'm so honored 😭 💦 💜 Your comments are too sweet, they really made my day, thank you!!!

😂 HONESTLY I have the Midas touch, except everything I touch turns into depression instead of gold 😂 I am waiting to enter my comedy era... 😭 but I'm glad that you liked the art and the concept!! Thank you for playing 😂 

😂 Thank you so much, I thought it would be an interesting reimagining of Pygmalion! I'm glad you enjoyed, and thank you for playing 😊

Thank you so much for playing!!! 😊 (And thank you for doing all three endings, I do think it gives you the most complete experience 🫡)

DKFJD thank you so much, I'm so flattered 😭 💦 💦  I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED!! (I relate a bit to her too 😂 although I hope you're not trapped like her, if you are please blink quickly to communicate that you need help...) Thank you again for playing and taking the time to comment 💜 

👏 👏 👏 May your visual novel era be long and prosperous 😊 

Ahh thank you so much Lila, you're so sweet 😭 💦 I'm glad you liked Kalei, truly the introvert's ideal extrovert support system 😂 Thank you again for playing!! 💜

Just download the version for your OS! On Windows, click the exe, and on Mac open the application (and whatever you do on Linux too, haha!) On Android you'll have to install the APK. For all of the options you'll probably have to let the application through your security so it will run.

If you're having problems, I recommend running through the official itch app for the smoothest process!

😭 💦💦 Gosh, thank you so much for the kind words, I really don't deserve the praise... I'm so proud that my game helped sway you to the visual novel format 🤭 There are so many interesting things you can do with it (and so many stellar games doing such creative things, I keep a notepad of inspiration 😂) I'm so glad that you picked up on some of the smaller details too! 😭 This comment really made my day, thank you for taking the time to play and leave your thoughts!! I hope that you enjoy the others 🤭 (and any other VNs you decide to try, of course!)

AHH thank you so much!! 😊 💜 Your comments are too kind 😭 I'm so honored that it was thought-provoking, that's one of the highest compliments I can receive as a dev 😭 Thank you again for playing, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! ☺️ 

AHH thank you so much 😭 💦 You're too kind; I'm so glad you enjoyed it 😊 

😂 It's not really meta/fourth wall breaking! I think other games have already tackled that angle way better than I could ever do 😂 

L.!!!! Thank you so much for playing 😭 💦 💦 💕 I'm so honored!!! 

I'm so flattered that playing made you inspired to check out the mythology 😂 I went into it a bit in my postmortem, but I basically made the game because of how much I dislike the ending of the original myth 🤣 Imagining waking up for the very first time to find a guy fondling and kissing you, declaring that the gods gave you to him - how horrific 😭 

I'm very glad you liked the setup!! I wasnt sure if I was going to do myth jam initially since I'm not really a myth connoisseur 😂 but I came up with the reboot idea and thought it would be a good way to convey the theme and make use of the VN format! (And I've always wanted to make a game that makes good use of a "loop!")

UGHH I'm happy that you thought I handled the subjects tastefully 😭 💦 I was worried about it since they are quite sensitive topics. And I'm glad that it accurately reflected what you've seen IRL as well - "fawning" really is a tool people use to survive when they're stuck in abusive situations. And it's easy to tell people "just leave" - but obviously there are always a lot of other factors, and sometimes it's not possible 😓 I agree with you, I hope that society improves in this regard...

Thank you again for taking the time to play and leave such a lovely comment 😭 💦 💕 Trying to level up my game making prowess with each release 💪 💪 💪

Ugh yes, it's too true 😓 It's still so unsafe to even exist as a woman, in many parts of the world - and toxic relationships (especially marriages) are prevalent, regardless of where you live. Recently I was speaking with a family acquaintance about how his cousin, who was of similar age to me, got married to a man twice her age and moved to another country, in exchange for a dowry that was paid out to her family. He framed it as a very business-like transaction - a "good deal," in fact, since she got a wealthy, reliable husband and was able to support her family (as he paid out quite a lot in her country's currency), but I couldnt help but think that it was a bit tragic, and scary for her. Even if her husband wasnt abusive, even if he was a good guy - in the end she was sold to a stranger, sent to live in a strange country where she didn't even speak the language, in exchange for money that she didn't receive. (The acquaintance then implied that maybe I might consider a similar deal 😂 luckily I'm in a position where I dont need to.)

In the end, reality is much more horrific than what I depicted here, because honestly I couldnt bear to be any more cruel (for instance, the Doctor does not fondle Yumeko's body, since it disgusted me too much to include). It's a message that is often repeated, but I dont think it can be repeated enough - Women (anyone really, but truly this applies to women in particular) are not objects to be "carved."

(Thank you so much for playing and leaving your thoughts!!)

Thank you so much for playing!! 😊 💜

Aww thank you so much 😭 💦 I'm glad you enjoyed it! The voice actors were so talented, I was so lucky to have the chance to work with them!! Thank you for playing and taking the time to comment! 💜 

AHH thank you so much, I hope you enjoy it!! 😊 (Best of luck with your final exam!)

(And not at all 😂 I do that too 😆)

I'll also note that a fairytale themed jam, "Once Upon a Time VN Jam" (also run by chimeriquement), is running soon! If you replace the background, then you're more than welcome to submit for that jam, as the game is quite fairytale-themed!


My mission has been achieved... (Thank you for playing!!)

😂 😂 😂  HONESTLY not wrong 

LOL HIRO DON'T BE SORRY I LOVE IT (honestly part of my goal was to provoke sheer rage, so I'm glad to know that I succeeded for you... 🤭) Thank you so much for the compliments 😭 I did try a bit harder to make this one a small but complete package so I'm happy that it worked out 🙏


LMAO I'M GLAD, I did want the Doctor to evoke that icky feeling 😂 Luckily Sandra and Adriel know to ignore him... And you had the reaction to the Doctor that I intended 😭Holding her freedom over her head when he KNOWS that she wants it... And you're THE ONLY ONE SO FAR WHO HAS MENTIONED THE KIDS THING GOSH, I'm so glad you did 😭😭😭 Truly I feel like that's one of the Doctor's worst moments, not because he's particularly bad in saying it but because it really showcases his fakeness and his hypocrisy. He only wants kids for the shallowest reasons, and he doesn't really care how many he has 😂 because he won't be taking care of them... 

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PLAYING and for taking the time to comment, it's always such a pleasure to hear that something I made evoked an emotional reaction 😂 It's the highest form of praise!

GOSH this is such a kind comment 😭 💦 💦 Thank you so much! I'm SO glad that you liked the VA, it was a relatively late addition and I was so lucky to work with such lovely and talented people! And you read my long rambling devlog too 😭 Thank you for playing and taking the time to comment, it means so much!

AHHHH thank you 😭 💦 I'm so glad you liked him, I was worried about casting authentically but Noah really knocked it out of the park; I was so lucky to work with him! Thank you for playing 😊  💜

Thank you so much for playing!! 😊 I'm glad you enjoyed!


Gosh I have nothing to say except that I've never received such a poetic review before, you perfectly captured the intent of the game with such lovely imagery as well 😭 💦 In his hubris the man revels in his rubble, not realizing that instead of making something beautiful, he has destroyed it... 

Thank you so much, I'm very glad you enjoyed the message!! (You are correct in that I've gone through something a bit similar, although obviously I exaggerated the experience quite a bit here.)

Thank you so much for taking the time to play and comment! 😊 

(P.S. I wasnt sure if I should tag jumpscares but things do pop up suddenly so I thought I'd be safe 😂 😂 😂 in another game I'll add monsters screaming as the camera shakes, I'm sorry for the disappointment 😞 /j) 

Thank you so much for playing!!! 😊

GOSH that's very high praise, thank you very much 😭 💦 Thank you for playing and taking the time to comment!!

ACK I'm sorry 😭 This build only supports Android 7.0.0 and above I believe; I'm not sure if I can target for lower with the engine that I use... I'm sorry for the inconvenience 😞 

Thank you very much, you're too kind! 😭 Thank you for taking the time to read!

(1 edit)

Oh gosh, that's such a kind compliment 😭 I was wondering if this post mortem was a little too self-indulgent, but I was like, "Agh I wrote it, might as well post it..." So I'm so glad that you found it interesting! 😭 And you've followed me since MMM!!! Gosh, I'm so touched! (And AHH a fellow Godot dev!! 🤝 I love to see others in the wild...)

And OMG I COMPLETELY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. It was such a strange choice, esp since Shaw, the writer of the play on which it is based, adamantly rejected the Pygmalion-Galatea pairing at the end, even though audiences clamored for it. He stated, paraphrased, that Galatea must reject Pygmalion, and only then will she truly be free - and ofc, I wholeheartedly agree with this. EDIT: Apparently there are multiple versions of the film, some where Eliza goes back to Higgins and some not - I adamantly stand by the idea that she must never go back LOL (And same, I only realized when I was reading the Metamorphoses while writing the script 😅 it did support my point rather well...)

Ahh thank you 😭 I know that aspects of what I write are ofc, highly subjective/biased, so I'm really glad that it resonated! 

Thank you again for taking the time to read and comment!! ❤️ 

AWW FLOR thank you so much for taking the time to read my incredibly long ramble 😭😭😭 And SEE I have to spread Pygmalion slander... 

And yes, 🤔 while I think it brought me some comfort, being in a community where I didn't need to be traditionally feminine, I think it also exposed me to a lot of misogynistic ideologies 😅 It took me a while before I realized "Hey, maybe me thinking that 'girly' things are childish and dumb is just... internalized misogyny???" And that feeling of "not wanting to be like the other girls" is also rooted in that feeling of "just not wanting to be a woman." (I'm a lot more comfortable now, thankfully, in enjoying whatever/expressing myself however I like 🙏) 

Again, thank you so much for playing and leaving your thoughts, I really loved reading them 😭 (and they partially inspired me to make this post, as I had a lot of lingering thoughts after the release!) 

(1 edit)


DLFJKGF your survival instincts serve you well... 😂 And same 😅 it would be nice if you could speak your mind and be respected, but sometimes it's out of your control 😂 

Thank you for playing and commenting, Taumi!! 😭 I laughed when I read your rating 😂 because I was like - I wanted to convey this sense of horror, but also... I do want to convey that very awkward and uncomfortable sensation when the person you're talking to starts spouting something unhinged and you just want to leave but can't LOL

AHH thank you so much for reading my giant text wall 😭 I wasn't sure if I would post it, so I'm glad that someone found it an interesting read!