Good attempt, but the ghost AI is hilariously wrong
A member registered Jan 21, 2018 · View creator page →
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Yo! Noid Was Ahead of its Time comments · Replied to KayFi0S in Yo! Noid Was Ahead of its Time comments
I have a similar issue...
1. Enter a game jam (or rather the Newgrounds equivalent; this'll my first itch jam)
2. Think of something simple that I can make within the time limit
3. Get really enamored with some mechanic that I came up with
4. Spend way too much time trying to make it 'perfect'
5. Realize that I'm putting too much time in this element, move onto art
6. Spend way too much time trying to make the art 'perfect', same with music
7. Hobble together an embarrassingly clunky "demo" that I can never get around to finishing because I don't know what I did with the project file