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A member registered Mar 16, 2022

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Floor 40? I find that hard to believe with a layout that only does 500 damage a turn. How did you manage to kill the Fire Geckos before the burn stacked up and killed you?

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I know this is picky: speedy leaf still has an indicator showing that it costs 0 energy to use when you hover over it, but since the update you can no longer manually use it.

Also I would like an option to speed the game play up by removing the animations and delays between items activating. If a weapon applies lots of effects it can seem like an eternity before you can use something again. Especially in cleaver builds w/ cleansing flame, bag of knives etc.

When the purple cloud bug happened to me it was to do with the items that involve mana. Simply click them and place them back and the clouds stop. Although, you've clearly got more problems than that.

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I've been seeing a lot of issues with people getting soft-locked at sage toad, and I think an easy solution would be to have them and other similar units classed as "cowardly" or something (a bit like "minion" in StS), meaning that they run away if there are no non-cowardly units remaining.

Aww, but I'm too impatient for that ;)

Thanks for the info, good luck fixing it.

The metallic wand uses mana not energy so it can have far more uses than just the 3 that you calculated.

450*13*5(the large manastones)+450*16*6(The HUGE manastones)=72450

72450+161*162/2(from stopwatch)=85491

 + about 200 from warriors spellbook depending on when you have to use it, (ancient tome would be higher damage for sure because it would allow 3 more uses per manastone). If I did any of the calculations wrong or miscounted something feel free to correct me.

This is the 5th time this has happened to me when reloading into a saved game.

The icons on the map are frozen and the backpack is well, you can see. As far as I know it is simply an issue with loading a save file, nothing to do with particular events or items. Sometimes if you reload the page it fixes itself, other times it just stays like this.

The shady trader can trade you exactly the same item, which seems odd.

I'm loving to see the game grow in depth. Kudos to the entire dev team. I think it would be interesting if certain items had interactions with other items. Such as the piggy bank breaking if a heavy item is dropped on it, cute things like that.

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Items can go behind the text that says how many items you can take during combat rewards. Which can be a little bit annoying. Maybe make that text slightly transparent?

Also the ethereal staff now says "Creates   in a space that is in this row"

And the piggy bank just says "Creates"

And the "Goilden bow" (is that deliberate?) just says; "When an arrow kills a non summon enemy creates  ".

Ok, I think this is just a universal issue now...

Despite the hotfix it is still possible to go infinite with shield spirit and elven wood. If you have >3 bows and a coal then you can use the bows with the shield, then use the coal to refresh them, giving you infinite energy.

When attacking the King with a weapon that is being affected by the Vampiric Crystal you receive the damage from the spikes 2 times, suggesting that you dealt damage twice, but the King only gains spike and rage 1 time.

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I think it increases the chance of uncommon, rare, and legendary items being rewarded after combat. I also think that it is not permanent but that it runs out after time.

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I found a little bit of an exploit; because the RNG for the merchant isn't saved it is possible to visit one and if you don't like what they are giving you, reload the page and visit again to see some different items. I haven't tested it but the same might be true for fight rewards. Also I think that you should only be able to talk to Matthew if you make it to floor 3. Otherwise you can do the same thing until you get what you want from him.

Edit: This is possible for all events, but will not change what a ? is on the map, that stays the same.

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Oh, and I'd also love the option to turn off the delay between doing actions, it'd be such a relief when doing longer fights. I cannot put to words how much it would improve the experience! Also the ability to set hotkeys for accessories and weapons, and a hotkey for end turn would be nice.

"Perks" that you obtain after boss fights. eg. More block gained/mana/max hp might make possibilities greater and runs more unique. Also "pockets", like a 1x1 mini backpack that is not affected by items/modifiers from your backpack, could lead to interesting reorganising of relics that you want to keep for later but do not want to affect your items right now.

I'd love to see an abort run button. Great game, I'm really looking forwards to how this develops.