the delivery point has been moved outside of the garage. open the door and move it to the platform outside.
fucking love this game oh my god
i didn't make the game se has been trying to kill me it doesn't work thouhgh hajaaaaa
its been 15 days you dogshit dev whens 1.1
WHAT!!!!!!! i did no know there was more night soon!!!! this game not longer sucks. thank you
this game sucks bro wtf. can't even beat the first night. wtf
what if i dont make ergmam hmmmm? something exraft ta whatf if i dotn t,mmael k gmae
ersxtrae rply now
do more
love this
something extraddadarae
please respond
and you become more of the best youtuber
it would be cool and good
something extra should play minecraft
something extra is best youtuber
i think i found the trick he is most likely using it is called a mega jump i cant really explain how it works as i cannot do it my self
some one made one
yeah me too its a bit hard to do that one
just jump in to the wall side then jump off (:
yes we need a discord it would be able to be more organised than a itchio page
how good is this time?(if picture doesnt load its tutorial with a time of 00:25:41