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Zawkian Puppy

A member registered Nov 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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well it is fixed now thanks to ya ^-^

Its either with the files of the game or u could go over to the discord! on the channel called Game-help

AAAAAAAA Cannot wait to play this!

Oh! I will be looking into it thank you for pointing taht out ^-^


Follow the guide in the game files or discord ;3

naughty boi killing cats. XD

Its on the discord too! On the cjannel "#game-help"

huh? What you mean?

It's a file in the game folder

Means you accepted what you really are. a piece of meat to be violated~


Gooooooood~ investigate, sniff around~

He sees you. He knows you been sniffing around.

He will always be there, you are never alone.

I wanted everyone to enjoy the love and care i put in my games! ^-^ thank you for the kind words!!

Just continue normally and you will get the Omega endings.

is there a chance defeat sex would be added? would make this game perfect~

When he corners you and you have the option to contain your hate or release it on him ^-^

to access the rogue path you have to kill the tiger

Oh you will love following my lewd game dev journey~

careful while poking around. He might see you...

he a fren :3

Sentinel's model number. SS3000

yay ^-^ enjoy the rest of your life not able to walk because of your new owner~

YEEEEEEEEEEEEE game released for free to everyone!!

It works fine for me

У тебя 90% коррупции на пути Сентинеля, тигр загонит тебя в угол в душе~

1st image is the Rapdactyl game over! Get it by learning black out and failing to attack the guard WITHOUT BEING RUDE TO THE SLIME DRAGON.

2nd is if you have 90% corruption on Sentinel's route, the tiger gonna corner you in the showers~

when you go to the prompt for the fi4st time. Type the model number only.

That command you said is for when you go there to delete his history.

kkkkkkkk talentosos, simpaticos e safatinhos.

O terceiro eu tbm ja sou, to em busca dos dois primeiros.

Could you show me such errors?

it's intentionally. The cute creature is melting YOU, the player. Hence no body

 So technically, your session ends.

you have to extract info from groggy and wake up to avoid midnight surprise.

The prompt asks for Sentinel's model number.

Just like any other game on itchio! ^-^

Theres the download buttons just before the comments 

Caraca nem sabia que voces eram BR kkkkkk Bom saber que tem mais Devs safadinhos no nosso pais XD

theres  aguide to all scenes in the game files ^-^

ye! Aside from  future smol fixes if necessary! ^-^

kkkkkkkk fofo~ Vai jogar Celsius acabou de lançar GRATIS para todos!!!! O desenvolvimento de RRR recomeça...


(1 edit)

so is the gay content in yet? seems like a bad move tagging a game with stuff that's not even in it (yet)

I do recommend supporting them on patreon. They just posted WIPs of endings and a possible release date!~

i assumed people would use his code in place of "filename".

del /f SS3000