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Loved it!! Def recommend!! :))

LOOOVED IT!! Everything you want in a romance horror VSN and more!! Looking forward if you do decide, to make another one. 10/10! def recommend!! :))

It was a bit confusing since its too short, but I loved the art, the music and the VA!! Its def good taking into account the limitations it had

Cuties!! hopefully I see more of them, I'm feeling tempted to play the main game, but I think it's more action, and I'm lowkey not feeling action at the moment, maybe in a near future lool, who knows, either way good game! a bit sad it was short, but it was cute!! ^_^

Oh I really liked Fred... anyways, good game! 

EVERYTHING YOU EXPECT FROM A HORROR GENRE!! DEF ONE OF MY FAVORITES!! I needed to create an account to talk about how good this game is, Loved how there's actually diff endings like A LOOOT. And also loved to see different sides of Riker, and idk replaying it to see the different endings was fun too, sadly its only has 3 days, but I'll be waiting happily for next update! thank you comment section for encouraging me to give it a try, and also hope the author is doing okay based on the comments below :(((

LOOOVEEEED IT!!! I cannot wait for more updates!! 10/10!! 

I loved it! the art is good, and even though I don't like the whole hate to love thing, it was pretty good, I got a good ending, and honestly kinda sweet from the title, I also usually don't like customizations, but since the art is good, I was able to like it this time. Solid 9, I'd say, I'd so recommend it :))

Good but short! :))