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A member registered Nov 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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I love it~


I might set up something eventually, idk. Coding is the same as drawing I think, the only thing that really matters is how long you smash your head against the wall and eventually you just sort of wake up and you can write code by memory, look up lots of tutorials and google what you wanna do and eventually you'll figure it out. I'm sure you can make something very cool and unique if that's something that interests you!

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Thank god, finally, an excuse to ramble about software, I used Godot 3.5 to code everything, it runs much nicer if you have a slower computer and personally I prefer it over 4.1 because I'm just more used to it, the download link is here: it can seem a bit overwhelming but if you keep smashing your head against it long enough eventually everything just starts to make sense.

After that Krita to draw and I'm trying to learn Reaper, which is for like music and stuff, I edited sound effects in it. It's all free, open source and works super good. Just take it slow and try not to make anything too big, I made lots of tiny tiny projects just to learn how to use Godot before Luna. And you better absolutely send it to me if you post anything, no matter how small! Someone on Youtube mentioned that they might make a game and I still haven't forgotten lol, so you better!

Lastly more screenshots In exchange for your lovely drawings, it will look much better when I'm done, I swear, I'm still experimenting with the style goddamn it!

Heyyyyy where'd the finished drawing go? Don't be afraid to post stuff, it looks good! I have it saved on my desktop either way, so I don't mind, but still! (or am I just blind lol?)

poggers poggers poggers poggers I absolutely love it! You did a great job! I just found out how much I fucking love fanart of Luna lol. As for the update... I decided ultimately to just move on, people love it as is so why mess with it.. Already working on something new, the idea still feels a bit flat but it's progressing very nicely. Here's a screenshot of the currently extremely rough early build since I'm probably going to be sealed away in my tomb working on it for a while, and I like your drawing. 


Thank you! I'm really glad that everyone is so patient with me, receiving so much attention after making games for myself for so long is really really strange (and very fun) but I'm adapting

Thank you so much, sorry haha I actually kind of regret posting that, I guess I just felt a little guilty over not having an update out immediately after posting the game, especially with how much everyone loves it. I really appreciate everyone and I really don't want to disappoint anyone. I'm really glad that everyone is so understanding and sweet because I am very very hard on myself. Also I read your comment on youtube right after I wrote that and holy shit I had to take a walk just to process the concept of getting paid to make this stuff

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Edit: changed my mind sorry, there will absolutely be a new update I just decided to take a break for a bit to rest a little, anyway drawing hope you like

I literally just had someone complain in my comments that they got a false copyright strike or something for a song that is completely free, with the title included in the intro of the game because it wasn't in the video's description. (also lovely art holy shit sometimes I feel like I can draw and then I get humbled so hard)

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Cool! thanks for the tip. I originally found the song from here where it was used as the intro song I think? (though I do also use pixabay ocassionaly) I'm very sorry about the copyright issues, I did my best to make sure all songs were free to use but I guess it's inevitable. Hopefully I'll be able to make my own music soon because nothing terrifies and annoys me more than copyright

Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it! Hopefully I won't disappoint with the next one haha

Thank you so much!

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You're not stupid haha don't say that, I intentionally made sure that this game does not hold your hand at all. You should be able to put it down in the MILK shelf, otherwise its a bug and it would be great if you'd tell me more, you also obviously can't steal things so that's why you couldn't leave. Thank you for playing!!

That was so good! I don't usually like visual novels but by the end I was totally invested, Jesus Christ you draw so well, I'm so jealous of how well you shade and colour, all of the designs are so unique too I love it!!!! I really hope you get more attention because you absolutely deserve it!

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Thank you so much! Hope your exams go well, I'm in a similar situation though I really don't regret making this game instead of studying haha. I'm really glad that you enjoyed it! Do link your drawings or something if you make stuff, even if you feel like it's really amateur, I love looking at other peoples work.

I will hopefully have an update out soon that will add full screen, not sure about controllers but I'll make sure to at least try and implement it!

I've honestly been trying to put into words how much your comment means to me for like 30 minutes and I completely give up, as stupid as it is I almost started crying haha, I've never really had people support me and stuff and I think your comment kind of cracked me.

Thank you so much!

Whatever this is you draw so pretty oh my god I hope I don't forget to check when you finish

Yeah this is perfect for 0:42 am

This is so fucking unique I love it
