update: still looking for projects
Recent community posts
I'm a 2D artist, who got some time and no experience in teamwork or any game project in general. Mostly I drew furries or fantasy creatures but lately started to try to draw h00manoids again. I'm in love with horror and fantasy stuff.
Preferably short projects or low-middle amount of stuff to do, because of upcoming exams, for big-big projects I would love to get paid for my time, through Patreon,,(PayPal is not available in my country; might agree on the long-term if the project is personally really really really interesting to me).
My artworks examples:
more can be found at https://www.instagram.com/cherryberrycat_art/
also lately I'm really into imitating watercolor with ink/pencil, also would love to try pixel art
Mainly I draw in PhotoShop, also can in Krita and PaintToolSai ver. 1/2
Also I have really small experience in basic animation

comment if interested.