So sweet :) (and a little sad :( )
thats on you, bud
It was a very hard choice between Eggsalad and Hempleton. I chose Eggsalad
are you two years old
its a joke, my dude
Woah wait there is more
I want more this is epic!
Very cute art style, lovely little concep- OH GOD
Woah! Thank you for this. The concept is so cool, how you can walk around all the rooms and everything.
Epic! I murdered people and but please add a jumpscare warning for the pee tree. I peed myself in fear.
Oh. Oh wow. This hit hard. This is gorgeous, everything is so well done and i cant believe how much i related to the story.. wow.
very fun!! love the simple concept and little creatures.
Did i just shoot my ex wife (10/10)
Its so painfully good. In a good way, of course.
WOAH! Epic. Graphics are IMMACULATE. Love the little adventurer. The food reminds me of the food in ghibli films, looks very tasty.