i managed to get it to work! :D
steps on how to get veadotube mini to run on linux with working audio and hotkeys:
1) run the linux version and create a pngtuber, save it as a .veadomini file
2) extract said file and then open veadomini.yml with a text editor
3) there should be a line that says:
"hotkey: none"
replace it with this:
"hotkey: {provider: Keyboard, input: Numpad1}"
in this example it will set the hotkey to numpad1, but you can set it to whatever you like,
4) save the .yml file and re-zip the folder, then change the extension from .zip to .veadomini
5) execute the windows exe of veadomini with wine (or any other windows emulator)
6) once it opens, select: "load .veadomini file.." and load the .veadomini file you just saved
7) done! >w<