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A member registered Apr 29, 2023

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Got it, thank you for your responses regardless! I appreciate your time =)

Yep, it lights up but doesn't switch at all.

I started a save with it on then I deleted my saves to start a fresh one with it off and it wouldn't let me switch it off for some reason.. right now, no matter what I do, including deleting the entire game folder and re-unzipping, it won't let me switch it off.. 

and I'm referring to no spice please. the off button doesn't work for m

Any idea why I can't turn off the lesbian block on settings? it doesn't seem to be working =/

Oh I understand. I'm not impatient, I just got excited =D keep up the good work!

You're genuinely one of the best and politest indie developers out there. Thank you for all your work! Can't wait to try the new update \o/