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A member registered Feb 18, 2021

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Yeah I appreciate your boy's help. After your first message I was beating myself with a brick because I read the setup wrong and just jumped in and started downloading without thinking. Jumping the gun a little too soon.  So again, thank you.  

So what you're saying is, I'm retarded?

(1 edit)

So I have the mod set up, tweaks added. Started up the game, great everything's working no errors etc. But If I go to the  Slaver's Guild it changes the background Maple is there, but the options on the left remain the same as if I were just out in town. so "visit mages tower, visit slaver's guild etc with the slaver's guild background. Not sure if I've some how fucked this up, or what, but you have an answer I'm all ears. This is what pops up if I click on the slaver's guild.