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A member registered Apr 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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Sorry for taking so long. I think I can release the next stage on mid April if all goes well.

Next stage will have some human enemies including slave merchant, bodyguard, and some slave girls.

Some game mechanic and balance will be changed. Restraints will have a harder state of lock-in, which players will get harder to unlock. Crossbow reload will consume stamina, but not for shooting. Potion hit on some enemy will make them flinch (like when they got hit from arrows). Some lewd interactable objects will be added.

Stage 6 will have new chained animation for Nesche (when she got caught). And also two new restraints will be added.

(1 edit)

Hints for gallery unlock seems make sense. I'll add it for next stage 6 release update.

Your suggestions are added in my suggestion note.

Throwing away any items are Backspace for keyboard, Right Stick Button for joysticks by default. It should be on the screen(right bottom).

You mean the door in the very first room in the game start, did you tried to loot a lock pick on the right side of the room?

If you have properly looted and still couldn't be able to unlock the door, it is a bug, but if you didn't, please try it and inform me.

Thank you for your report.

I found the bug. The last scene in the gallery should be unlocked after you get gameover after caught by masked orc but currently it seems it doesn't.

This bug will be properly fixed from next update.

Glad to hear you are enjoying this game. I'll do my best for new stages ♥️

Maybe late march I think?

I'll positively consider making android version, but it'll be at least after the game is fully developed xd

Thanks for your idea. I'll consider it.

Somewhere in 1Q 2025, maybe.

I currently have no plan for adding more stages for browser trial version.

Those doors you can't open with lockpicks in stage 1 are the doors only orcs can open.

Throw two stones in a row in front of the door on stage 2 upstair where you see 'absence'. The door is also only enemy can open, and is auto locking door (and what I mentioned right now is a  hidden strategy where you can get another 'Key for somewhere').

Run away immediately after you trigger the magic circle on stage 3, then you will be able to deal with the door.

Yes it can be recharged with appropriate runes.

Unlike the other restraints, yellow piercing actually has a good effect, every enemy Nesche meets has a chance of getting charmed(which is the same effect with throwing aprodisiac potion to the enemy) and they get reduced run speed and cannot get rage(raging enemy has increased run speed and shorter stun time when get shot from arrows, sadly the game currently doesn't show the rage VFX).


Dropping dagger is not implemented! And what do you mean for grabbing a new one?

In the stage 2, player needs to find a crossbow and arrows to kill the goblin guarding the stage exit door.

If im misunderstanding your comment, please imfrom me.

Jesus, you got quite of some lewd ideas!

I'll consider it for new contents.

BTW interactable dairy machine is already scheduled in the stage 6.

I'll consider android if I finish the game.

You cleared the game! Happy to hear that :D

Masked Orc will still be in stage 6, maybe.

Ah, great idea.

No lockpicks but still able to getting out of prison with attached restraints, or able to struggle for spending HP would be cool.

I will positively consider your suggestion. Thank you.

I have a plan for expanding the restraints gameplay from just having one stage, for example you are armbinded or not, to multiple level, such as armbinder(Lock level 0), armbinder(Lock level 1) or more and you are getting harder to unlock if the lock level of specific restraint gets higher.

Currently we just have cursed items and curse from some magic circles. I will also gonna expand the gameplay with implementing fantasy monsters with cursing or binding skills.

(1 edit)

Oh I see the bug lul map knowledge should save/loaded but it seems it doesn't. I'll fix it now.

Keeping health to small amount and not causing game over seems kinda great idea. I'll try this for temporarily, implementing this mechanic into Normal mode exclusively.

Rope binding restraint will make player deplete her current stamina for 1/4 when she does some action like throwing or reloading. And yes it currently has a minimal effect to gameplay, since my initial thought was like some restraints can cause game difficulty raising significantly, like leg shackles or armbinder, but some just doesn't.

It can be adjusted for balance such as limiting stamina restoration for half amount of max stamina. I will change if I get more complaints or some good ideas for the rope restraint.


Ver is now up. The bug for minimap is now fixed. Your suggestion for health loss cap is now implemented for Normal and Hard modes.

You can change game language in Config> Display Settings> Language drop-downs.

And also, if you play the web trial version for the first time, it should be set to English for default.

It has whole parts of stage 1.

Early 2025.

(4 edits)

If you are at the higher side of the first stage(where you can reach after you climb up the rope), you mean you found 'A key for somewhere' and ulocked the portcullis, ran through the portcullis and you stuck at the end.

You need to hide inside the room where you can find as soon as you enter the portcullis and wait until the orc bypasses and unlocks the iron lattice door(its actually not unlockable for player, only orcs can do).

Don't forget to close the door when you are hiding. Orcs gonna check your room if it's open.

If this is not your case, please inform me.

Glad you enjoyed the game.

Yeah I will add more stages, more restraints, expanding some gameplay mechanics.

But since im doing almost all, itll take some time. Stage 6 will arrive in early 2025.