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A member registered Jan 31, 2021

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Played a few rounds of multiplayer yesterday and it was good.  Played a few Team deathmatches and a couple co-op games.  Getting used to the virtual controls now but HOTAS support in the future would be great.  A couple of games I was not centered in the cockpit, either to far back or forward.  1 game I had no sound and couldn't see the other player but he could see me since I had bullet holes all over my plane.  For co-op play it would be nice to see what side the host is playing so the other players can join as that side instead of having Central and Allied planes on the same side.  I did get the Steam version and for me the game runs much smoother with a bit better graphics using the Link cable using the power of my computer instead of just the Oculus Quest.  The game is a lot of fun, not hardcore like DCS or IL2.  If anyone of the players I was flying with are on this forum I would like to know if I was lagging/warping.  I am in South America and was connecting to the U.S. East server.  My screen name is the same  ChileMike.   Thanks

I really like it.  Going from using a HOTAS to a virtual stick & throttle takes a bit getting used to.  The flight models are well done with the exception of no engine torque in simulation mode, especially for the rotary type engines.  The UI is very user friendly.  The flare pistol for downing barrage balloons is a nice touch.  The graphics are excellent for a native quest 2 game.  For anyone who likes flight combat games this is a must have.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your help.  I managed to find the app.  It was there all along,  didn't realize you had to scroll down to unknown sources and click on it.......there it was.  Back to the subject of post,  OTT not an option for this as you pointed out.  As profakia said, I was thinking Windows and not Android.  Live and learn.

That is the only one I have at the moment.

I have to go in Virual Desktop and launch Sidequest, then I go to apps in Sidequest and launch from there.  I have show hidden / unknown sources checked but still have to go thru sidequest to launch.  The game does not show up in Oculus.  I have developer mode, Beta etc .

Yes, I'm using the Link cable.  TBH I'm not sure if it's a better experience for all native games.  But Vader Immortal shows in the OTT and I can adjust SS and ASW etc.  Still new to VR so I'm still playing with different settings

I'm trying to find the Warplanes .exe so I can add it to the Oculus Tray Tool.  Where do I find it?    Looked in Sidequest folder & all Oculus folders.  Thanks

I figured it out.  Thanks.  Just want to say I am a big combat flight sim fan, been playing most of the WW2 sims for years.  I am really impressed with what you have done with WARPLANES.   Thanks for your efforts

Purchased full game but still says demo version