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A member registered May 05, 2019

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tell me about it. the gap from 0.20 to 0.21 was damn near a full calendar year iirc. and it wasnt anywhere near as much content to justify that kind of gap. so it does make me wonder what the heck is happening on the devs end

im so glad to see @Caribdis get the love he/she deserves. yall at @cncmods are doing gods work. would it be safe to assume that the mod will be updated with concurrent releases of the game? Would yall consider making a mod for a completed game like once in a lifetime? thank you guys for doing what you do, and may fortune forever be in your favor. godspeed my friends

they update once or twice a year or so. ur gonna be waiting for a while. i honestly dropped this game cuz its taking so long. wanted to check in to see if theres anything new but here we are lol. id say check back in a few years and maybe there will be a few updates

quality takes time jackass. if you want a finished product check other websites that have a completed/finished section. 

sweet then i defo wanna see what u got lol. been starving for a good vn 

how much content is currently in the game? timewise?

sweet, i know what im getting next payday then lol. its honestly one of the best games of this type ive ever played lo

do i have to pay 10 bucks each time for the latest version? how does this work?

just download the latest version and move your old saves over. if you havent played in a while id suggest starting over completely, this is one of the few games where I never mind playing it all over again if i must

yeah thats a pretty low spec pc for this day and age, hell its ancient. id say get a new one whenever you can, even a model rom a couple years ago should be pretty affordable by now. i hope the reset works man, good luck :)

......... dude. you need new shit, to the point i wih i could send u money for a new pc. what are the specs? and as for vivo phones, they look good and say they perform well but within a short time they stop working. cheap chinese crap. reset ur phone, clear out the memory and hopefully itll work

Anytime man,  like i said we love the work that you do. looking forward to what you got for us :) have a great one bud

mate, if theres one thing you have consistently proven, its that you get better and better with each update. yes there are some issues, but its not like you have a budget and a dev team working for you so its all good, we get it. the quality of the stories you have pushed out has only gone up, and even tho serenity chapter 1 was (to my knowledge) your first attempt, it was a very well done one indeed considering the circumstances. despite its issues, i still replay it every few weeks just to recapture that feeling of reading it the first time. chapter 2 is amazing in it own right, with none of the issues of the past and i love its execution. LH similarly is also great. youre doing something right when my top 5 vns of all time have 3 of your projects so keep doing what ur doing, keep improving. you got this my man.  given the rewrites, ill naturally be replaying LH from the start, an experience i look forward to. its more than worth the wait, as youve proven your commitment to the art. frankly I wish id won the lotto not just for my own financial gain, but to be able to just drop like 250K on u to use as u wish for ur projects. the only other dev that has made me feel that is caribdis, and be being the typical cheapskate brown dude thats saying something. take a break if u need, rest up and get back on the horse when ur ready. we love the work you do and are more than ready to be patient. all the best bud, looking forward to what that amazing mind of yours can come up with

means your phone isnt up to scratch. play on pc, games like this are a better experience on that anyway. other than that u may have to get a new phone. speaking of which, what model phone u use?

yet another fanastic update, to an even more fantastic story. very well done N2, very well done indeed

is there a guide for this game? 

I WOULD hate to see  one of my 8 partners be unfaithful.  whats your point?

thats a good thing. people who look for NTR need to turn in their man cards and get their units removed for good measure

I play a lot of these kinda games, and more often than not I find myself disappointed. This however is not one of those times. Character designs, animations, sound, my guy you have nailed them all. story and setting is a tiny bit on the weak side but given the plot I totally get it. I see much potential for this to be something even more awesome in future, and i honestly cant wait till you complete the project. honestly i wish i had found it once you were done cuz id probably have finished it in one sitting lol. job very very well done bud, cant wait to see what the future holds

how come meeting viera is unavailable? did i miss something?

i knew of your work since before you finished serenity chapter 1. i was entrhalled and devoured it in one sitting. I never had much hope for games such as this, but you and a handful of others showed me that hope. as someone who has gone through similar experience in terms of depression, i applaud all the work you put in. Ive been in a similar state in my own writing till i basically gave up on it. im glad you didnt. we here are more than understanding of your situation, and are more than willing to wait. the quality of what you produce is something worth the wait. im aware of the emptiness of which you speak. ive experienced it multiple times, both personallly and personally. take whatever rest you need my guy. your health, physical and mental are both important, and i can only hope that you can balance everything as needed. honestly if there was a way for me to fully fund your work i would. the things you have created are incredible, in both story and artwork. i can only hope the best for you, at least for now. i do want to help out someone following a dream i gave up on, and when i can i will. may the winds of fortune fill your sails my friend, i foresee great things for you. get the rest you need and let the juices flow when they do. best of luck to you my man. i eagerly await your next update. you got this man go for it :)

Honestly, i find the best method is what the other guy mentioned. ill just addd that if you grind that for about an hour and look for the best possible deal its easy to get a metric butt ton of cash pretty quick. working at the store helps as well, itll net between 200 - 400 bucks a day. in the very early stages of the game before u have access to the flowers its a good idea to just grind days working

chapter 3 and its this good already? man i cant wait to see the rest then :D

bruh you cant do me like that, its just getting good!! i knew this is one to watch out for an intended to wait but damn my weak resistance to temptation XD 

I have to admit, i dont have much in terms of expectations for games of this nature but you have really done something amazing here. the story, the characters, everything is a cut above. a job very very well done mate, i cant wait to see where this goes. incidentally, from a story perspective, how far in is the latest update? 

it would be nice to have the option, but i get that a lot of people arent fond of children

I have, and frankly its just not that clear.  I meant a separate sort of "notepad" with story missions and such, cuz frankly i do find it quite confusing as a returning player. Id rather not start all over but at this point i might as well. given the delay between updates, i cant always remember exactly where i left off with what i have to do u know? I do love this game, the story, the art, all of it but the lack of a real quest log is just one of its issues. Its way too wordy in some parts, things dont get put forward clearly and taking 3 or 4 screens to say one thing? thats just too much. even with its issues however i can still see its a great game, and character design is where it absolutely nails it. I havent found better looking characters in quite a while

As much as i love the game i have to admit the navigation is pretty annoying. Perhaps the addition of a quest log and maybe a hint function would be helpful? given the sheer time lag between updates, it can be hard to remember where one left off

so apparently i need to sleep with sada but im stuck. no idea how to progress. did everything else, anyone got a hint?

im stuck at the same point, how did you fix yours?

Dude, your work is amazing and well worth the wait. I wish there was a hyperbolic time chamber you could enter and get the game done in a couple days but all I can do is wish for it. do what you gotta do but dont neglect yourself either. take breaks if you need it, we get it. I wish i could support you on patreon but sadly my broke ass can barely afford to take care of my damn self lol. Keep up the amazing work my dude

i cant download it, it fails halfway thru saying forbidden. anyone know how to get the full file?

is there a guide for this anywhere? i love it but id like to see an optimal route so to speak

i gotta say, this is one of the better games of this ilk that ive played. good character design, good story, and the girls are awesome. Emma is so adorable, makes me just wanna hug and protect her lol. Cant wait to see what chapter 2 will have in store, great work dev

i just noticed that version 0.8.0 has been added to the page, is it safe to assume that this version no longer has bugs? or does it still need more work? 

(1 edit)

this is one of those games that one might not think much of, until at least they get a chance to play them. So far, i couldn't ask for a better story, and the girls are all adorable. as a brownie (lol) jameela is a personal favorite, but thats due more to her sheer cuteness than anything else in my eyes. I just ended up finishing he game from start to finish in one sitting, and man im so glad i did. gotta say tho Mr/Ms Dev, you chose a hell of a spot to end it on, so i really want to see what happens next. I do hope the next update comes in a timely manner, I havent looked forward to an update since Caribdis's  latest work. and coming from me, thats high praise. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for the next bit of the story. 

Onto the game itself/ First off if youre just looking for something to fap to, move it right along this aint for you. the story is involved with plenty of tension, plenty of cute and somewhat realistic moments, and a good story to serve as a backbone to the whole thing. I dont generally look for a good plot in games of this nature but its always a very pleasant surprise to find one. and the dev has done an outstanding job of conveying this story to us consumers. If youre someone that loves a good story alongside some fun sexy bits this is one for you. plenty of decisions to make and plenty of beautiful women to woo, alongside a healthy dose of drama that could be something much bigger in future; this here is a winning combination. Without spoiling anything, all i can say is that this game is ABSOLUTELY worth a download and playthru, few games of this caliber exist in this genre. Character designs are on point, story is nicely gripping, and each girl has a personality that really shines thru. I honestly wish i hadnt found this game until it was in its complete state as it leaves me wanting more and more each time. All i can hope for is that updates come out at a similar quality at a faster pace, but thats just me being selfish. its worth the wait between updates but if you have the patience, i feel like it would be good to keep tabs on this game till completion and get the whole thing in one shot. IF you dont mind waiting between updates dear user, i HIGHLY recommend downloading and playing thru this game at your earliest convenience. You wont be disappointed. 

And finally to you Raybae, Id like to thank you for such an incredible contribution to the genre and i cannot want to see what you have in store for the future. I WIsh you all the absolute best in both your own personal life and your life as a developer. Frankly, if i was in a position to fund the project and fulfill your wildest development dreams, i would without hesitation. i expect great things from you Raybae, and i cannot wait to see what you have in store for the future. May the winds of fortune favor you in your every endeavor, and I hope that the next update really brings things to the fore. Best of luck, and perhaps on the next update ill have more to rave about. To whose thinking of getting the game, i cannot stress this enough: GET THE GAME YOU WONT REGRET IT

its not a bad game especially considering youre new to all this so props for the attempt. If i were you however id suggest looking into hiring a proofreader to fix the english if possible, you can check on sites like fiverr for people who can help. this project has potential, and im interested in seeing how it progresses. lets see what happens in the next update, good luck!