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A member registered May 03, 2021

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Hi dev, which of all those  characters is the Mc? because looking at the images it seems as if we are seeing the story from several POVs? Is it perhaps a multiple protagonist, where the story follows different characters?

Thanks, good luck.

"However, before you go thinking there isn't a lot of content, there are 13 possible animated scenes before the MC goes to sleep Wednesday night alone. Even if you blow it with every love interest available, you're still going to get 5 of them."

Hi dev, a question after reading that, if the player is still going to get 5 animated scenes despite rejecting it or screwing it up with the LI, does that mean those scenes are forced? or are they voyeur scenes where the MC spies on other characters?


So if I understand correctly, let's say that Mc's friend has a crush on Mitsuki but the one who achieves something with her is Mc?  well that sounds like the good kind of ntr netori (I wouldn't call it netorare since the player sees the event from the Mc's point of view)

Thanks for the reply.

(2 edits)

"What does your new best friend Yamada do with Mitsuki after classes, and will he handle it, or does he need some help? "

Hi, reading that part I imagine this is going to have swinging/sharing/voyeur/cuckold or netorare scenes, and if there are such scenes,  are they avoidable? (they do not happen in the game according to player choice) I have no interest in that so it would be good to know that before deciding if it's worth trying or not.

Thanks, good luck.

"With these three families to choose from? It's up to you to decide who your true family is – Family of Choice."

Hi dev, a doubt when reading that (although it is quite clear) is this a type of game where in the end the player chooses only 1 family, or is it possible to have all 3?  I'm not a big fan of saving/loading and doing multiple paths, so I usually go for the most content in 1 playthrough.  

Leaving that aside, since you say "make choices that impact your relationship" that means that kinks/fetishes are going to be avoidable (they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot?  

For example, I have no interest in lesbian and femdom, if the game had that, is it possible to avoid it?

Thanks, good luck.

Hi dev, does the Mc have any supernatural powers?  because that overview really sounds like the perfect setting for a Femdom game lol (no interest in that content).

It  would be nice (and I would appreciate it) if you could put a list of tags and/or planned content.  

By the way, the part where it says "the protagonist must get close to everyone inside the 'Prison of Lust' to gather the necessary information...", doesthat means that there is forced content(?) and that the player cannot reject any of the characters?

Thanks, good luck.

The overview sounds interesting, Dev, what kind of content/tags do you have planned for the game?  and the kinks/fetishes are going to be avoidable (they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot? 

Anyways, thanks and good luck.

Hello dev, some of the models look pretty good.

If you don't mind, could you tell me what content or tags you have planned for the game, and if the kinks are going to avoidable (they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot?
Or perhaps to avoid certain content the player must or can avoid "X" character?

Thanks, good luck.

Hi dev, so reading the current tags and looking at the previews, are kinks/fetishes going to be avoidable (they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot?

For example is lesbian avoidable? The player need to reject some Li to avoid that? (no interest in that)

And what do you mean by Lgbt? trans content, gay content, trans on male,male on trans, Mc fucking some guy, Mc getting fuck? In other words, using the term lgbt to refer to content does not explain much since it can refer to a lot of different content.

Anyways thanks, and good luck.

Hello, although I think it would have been better for the team to deliver a complete first release without sketches in order to better promote the game, the story sounds interesting. 

It would be good to know what kind of tags/content the team have planned, and if the kins/fetishes are going to be avoidable (they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot?

Thanks, good luck.

Hola, si bien creo que les hubiera resultado mejor a el team entregar una primer release completa sin sketches para asi de esa manera lograr promocionar mejor el juego, pero dejando eso de lado, la historia suena interesante.

Si no es inconveniente,  podrian decir que tipo de tags/contenido tienen planeados para la historia y si los kinks/fetishes van a ser evitables (nonsuceden según las decisiones que haga el jugador) salteables (la escena en cuestion sucede pero el jugador no la ve) forzados por el plot?

Gracias y buena suerte.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the reply, when you have a clear idea of the content it would be good if you could add it to the description, so players/buyers have an idea of what they can expect.(Gm=grandmother I haven't tried it yet, that's why I'm asking if she's a possible LI haha)

Hello dev, this looks interesting, could you say what content/tags you have planned for the game?

And if the kinks/fetishes are going to be avoidable (they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot? 

One last question is the GM, a possible Li (love interest)?

Thanks, good luck.

Looking at the Patreon and SS pages, is it correct to assume this game was Abandoned?  That is, the last update of the game was in June 2023, and everything published on Patreon or Ss is about the other game, no news about this game in 8 months.

Hi dev, the art and models looks nice.
I would appreciate if you could say what kind of content/tags you have planned for the game?  

Taking into account that you say that every decision has an impact, I suppose that means the player has full control of what the Mc does, right? 

Good luck.

lol the game hasn't seen an update in almost 1 year, it's probably abandoned, forget about it having any kind of ending haha

I imagined Mc was going to be something of a loser, but the way you describe how things happen is worse than I thought haha, thanks for that description.

(3 edits)

First I must say that the girls' models look good, but that overview and previews give me the impression that the MC is going to be the typical loser forced to do X thing for X updates until he finally gains some power to say No.(which makes me wonder if this is a femdom/sub focused game?)

So, Dev, how much freedom does the player have?

For example, are kinks/fetishes avoidable (they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot?

And what about future tags or content, do you have any idea what the game will have, or will it depend on demand? (if possible it would be good to have a list of tags planned)

Anyways good luck.

Na man, the game and models look good (except the Mc), but with the sister and then what seemed to be a good milf it turns out that the mother is a cheating whore (the father is no better since he does the same ) who thinks about the lover all the time, and instead of having a choice of dominating the mother and making her forget about her lover and the father forgetting about her or making him a cuck, the mc simply wants to fix things between their parents. 

I don't know if I'm the only one but IMPO, in games with a mind control theme the Mc must have total control of what happens, otherwise his power is useless. 

 Leaving all that aside, Dev if you were thinking of having your game on another platform, I would tell you to go directly to SS (subcribestar), I do not recommend Patreon this game against several of their TOS (terms of service), good luck.

Dev is all good, don't think I said it that way by hating the game, I just read what you said about "all sexual content being avoidable" and I decided to try it, but when I did I practically found out that the sister is lesbian (a trope that I hate) and still despite selecting that the other bitch was going to be the Mc's slave, she still goes and fucks the sister, the worst thing is that the Mc says that he finds it exciting, which contradicts All the choices I made so far, I thought that with that last one it was practically to stop that relationship, but I just got an unpleasant surprise. 

Either way, do what you want and feel comfortable, it's your game.  

But for me personally, if the Mc with the power of Mind Control cannot stop that relationship, this game is definitely not going to be to my liking haha.

Good luck.

(2 edits)

Ok, sooo... that "sex content is avoidable" was the most misleading thing anyone has said to me today lol... I made a quick play, there's no way to stop the lesbian bitch from being with the sister during the party or at Mc's house?  fucking turn off that Emilie fucks mc sister sister with some dildos, what's the point of choosing to make her a slave if she's still going to fuck Mc's sister?

Hi dev, what type of content/tags do you have in mind for the game? 

Since Mc has mental powers, I assume all the content is going to be avoidable, right?  (that is, what would be the point of having mental powers if one cannot control or modify other characters personality )

For example, no interest in group sexual scenes where other men participate, much less being a voyeur to others, is that avoidable?  (let's say i am ok whit M/F/F where the Mc has control of the situation)

Thanks, good luck.

Lol, solo voy a decirte esto dev, tratar de vender esto como harem, cuando tenes otros 2 tipos tebiendo sexo en las imagenes no funciona así, más bien da la impresion como si fuera a ser un cuckfest o voyeurfest. 

De cualquier manera, suerte con el juego.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the reply.  I guess this game is not going to be to my liking, no interest in Lesbian or other forced kink. (IMPO, being able to skip a scene but it still happens behind the scenes doesn't change anything)

 Either way good luck.

"Fallen" is a story about characters who have hit rock bottom. You will encounter two paths: Lucas, an ex-convict, and Player 2 (coming soon).  Both characters' paths will eventually intertwine, and it's up to you to determine how they influence those closest to them. Will you guide them toward redemption, or will they remain captive to their circumstances? "

Hi Dev, how does the 2 characters thing work?  Does the player choose a character and follow the story individually, or does the game shift the perspective to the other character and the player is forced to follow the story of the 2 characters? Is the 2nd character male or female?

Thanks, good luck.

Well, first of all you should know that you are not going to please everyone.  

It is certainly good that you have now stated what content each path has so each player decides if they are interested or not. 

 Now personally and sincerely if what is written now had been previously written, I would have directly avoided the game, for example no interest in Sub's paths but reading that even in Dom's path the Mc is a loser doormat who needs to share the sister It's not better, and when reading that Milf "Mom" only has Sub path, I suppose this game is designed more for Sub/femdom players.  (As I see it when reading the description of each path, practically the Sub path seems to have more things, "worshiping, degradation, servitude, goddess" and the Dom path you only wrote Vanilla..... )

In any case, this game is probably not going to be to my liking, so good luck and thanks for the answers.

You could also put a list of planned tags or content you have in mind, so players know what to expect.

(4 edits)

Thanks for the answers, you should write all that in the "Planned features" part, especially the sharing and cuck part, that's not something you want to surprise the players with, less if it's forced on the path.

EDIT: For both parties, I don't think everyone who wants to play sub path wsnt to be a cuck, and not everyone who plays for Dom is going to want sharing and Dp scenes.

(3 edits)

Mmmm, If I go for the Dom route I don't like sharing much less for DP (double penetration) scenes, is that avoidable?  Can we make the boyfriend a cuck, or is sharing completely forced?

EDIT: Nvm, it looks like when I was writing the answer you edited the post, so to make the boyfriend a cuck we should still go for sharing?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the quick response, seeing the preview that contains the family tree I have one last question, the sister seems to have a boyfriend, the player can get rid of him in the Dom path, or the player will be forced into some voyeur/cuck scenes?


LockDown Dom community · Created a new topic Doubt.

Planned Features-   

   2 Main characters: Older and Younger sister. Both with Sub and Dom route     

3 Side characters: Brother, Mother, and Aunt. Each with their own path and scenes

When you say "main characters" you mean the LI(love interest), right?  And the side character Brother, I guess it's a trap, the one that appears in the middle of the banner then?

Is the content forced or can the player decide which path to follow?  (For example, if someone has no interest in trap, can they avoid it?)

Thabks, good luck.

(1 edit)

Hi, Dev, are the kinks/fetishes going to be avoidable(they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot?

For example, I have no interest in lesbian, and looking at the previews it seems that that content is there, can that be avoided?

Thanks, good luck.

(1 edit)

Hi dev,  If you don't mind, could you tell me what the planned tags are? 

And what do you mean by this:

"The prologue is written as a multi-path experience. To experience each path save after the incident when the MC goes into the alley to decide his next steps and play each path until the park.   This will set you up for the best experience in chapter one, which I'm structuring with more flexible choices rather than 3 distinct routes. "

Does that mean that the player chooses a path, and the content of that path is going to be forced? or does the player have control over the LI or kinks on each path?

Thanks, good luck.

Hi dev, since you answered in a previous post one of the doubts I had, what about kinks/fetishes (?) are they going to be avoidable (they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot? 

 Since you haven't added any tags yet (for the reasons you explained) I'm going to use one in which I have no interest. If there were to be Lesbian scenes, can they be avoided or are the LIs going to be bicurious?

Thanks, good luck.

(1 edit)

⁸Hi dev, I see that some planned tags say avoidable, when you say avoidable do you mean that the scene does not happen and there is another scene or it just does not happen in the story? and several of the tags do not say avoidable, does that mean they are going to be forced?  For example, I have no interest in femdom or lesbian, is that avoidable or forced?

By the way, it is quite contradictory to say "no sharing" and at the same time have double penetration with MC+Futa, that is practically sharing... Just saying hahaha.

Thanks, good luck.