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A member registered Sep 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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I left the game tab open overnight because I was gonna play it in the morning, but apparently the game beat itself. o.o I never touched the game.

honestly had a bunch of abilities going on, grabbing them when I could. I don't entirely remember the build I did.

Really good game <3 I wanted to report a weird glitch. My fire froze a large green slime and the slime started sliding towards me rapidly while frozen. I've played this game several times and this was the first time I saw this glitch.

Cute <3

NPC blackholes should've been nerfed x3

What playable pokemon are currently in the game?

I don't know if you can see ratings or not so I wanna say stuff here, too. I loved this game as well as the games before it! The concept is super neat and I heckin love playing as a drone uwu The story is also good!

(1 edit)

Oh, I'm actually playing on the exe version on my computer, which runs games pretty well. It could be from porting it, but I have no experience with making flash games :x
(Edit) it's also not super frequent, so it's not a huge deal

This game is super fun, though I sometimes get random crashes. I wonder if it has anything to do with Abra...

I wanna be a good kobold >//>