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china translation

A member registered Jan 02, 2024

Recent community posts

There is an executable program xxx.exe in the compressed file, double-click to run it.

A personal player has already released a personal translated version of this game.

The unfortunate LAN has isolated both sides.

I'm sorry for only seeing and replying to this message now.

Do you have plans to support other languages? If so, please consider creating a "tl" folder. Players can use software to translate documents with Chinese-English, French-English, and Spanish-English comparisons.

(2 edits)

You can run an Android emulator on your PC to simulate game testing. A budget Android phone (6GB+128GB) is only sold for 99-168 dollars in China. Second-hand phones will be priced at 30-50 dollars. Isn't it the same where you are?

(1 edit)

I don't understand Japanese, so I can't correct the errors. But it is possible to generate a reasonably good quality AI multilingual translation project and add it to the game, including fonts and settings for multiple languages. Each language consumes approximately $3 of API quota. Common languages such as English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, etc., can be generated and there is no limit to the number of translated languages that can be produced.

Generating translation files in Ren'Py is actually a very simple process. It's just that many authors didn't think about the fact that their work might be viewed by users who speak different languages. After all, their living environment is mostly English.