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A member registered 29 days ago

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This is really cool! Reminds me of PS1 vibes!

Btw I was joking...I couldn't get the king to spawn anyone but it didn't make me cry like I said haha. Was being sarcastic

Thanks for the fix!

Untill I got sad that I don't have a dog irl

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This game is really good! Seems quite addictive as well. 1 thing I noticed early on. I think the speed should reset to default once each wave is over.

This game is really good to be honest.  I gave up with the Ramen making though as I couldn't figure it out. I assumed it was based on what type of ramen the person asks for but then it never cooks. And when I then put all the ingrediants in, it burns. Guess I'm dumb.

My girlfriend stole my pc to play this. It's addictive. I was going to say this would work really well as a mobile game but I can see you already made it one!

"Chao Amigos!" Hector is no more. This was actually kinda fun haha

This is fun! Hard to get the hang of but me and my girlfriend played together for a bit :D

Esto se siente como una alucinacion

Hey! Thanks for the response. It was the PC version I downloaded. But still couldn't get it to play on my PC. The play button for 1player in the main menu just doesn't work.

Haha yeah I was somewhat being sarcastic. The fourth wall breaks are fun. I just saw all the beautiful looking characters in the previews and got mad excited to see some and then it just ended haha. But yeah it is indeed pre alpha so that makes sense. I look forward to seeing what's to come!


Yeah, seems there was two different uploads/listings for the game in the recent tab last night. Not sure if it's still a thing.

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I got scammed...The fourth wall got broken and the game ended. Sad times

No anal?

0/10 couldn't even use my own cum

Is this Stray 2?

This game doesn't work. The 1 player play button does nothing, but at least it has a cool main menu.

There is two different uploads of this game. 2x the fun!

Sadly the Coldplay soundtrack broke my immersion

You can play fetch with a dog. 10/10

The residents were indeed chickens...Teleporting chickens

I speedran this game...

This one made me cry. I had to watch my king die so many times. And not once did he spawn a citizen as the description suggests. I'm literally in tears. Thank you for that traumatic experience.

This indeed was a "captivating challenge"...To play. 10/10

I assume in the lore of this game he can also see in the dark as he loves carrots so much? Maybe that's cause for a horror themed sequal.

Fue divertido. La musica tambien estuvo guay (I'm not Spanish. My girlfriend helped me write that)

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This game is cool because when the bears get to you nothing seemingly happens. Yet slowly it's draining your health while you stare into it's eyes and contemplate life. Then you die.

I don't know how to review this, other than to say, I died

This is a fever dream

Alex has now evolved. Lots of somersaults later

It's actually fun! Good job

No Carnobrawl for me :( Can't launch the game. Throws up an error.

Dark Souls with fish 10/10