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A member registered Jun 02, 2017

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New personal record! Lucky 1 dice with the grow property are really strong

Eyyo. I've been doing the math comparing grow eternal block dice vs. lucky 1 grow heavy block dice. Since heavy dice have a cooldown for 1 turn after they are removed from play, eventually eternal dice win out. However, an eternal dice can only roll as high as 3. Even if it grows, you may be dead before it gets strong enough to defend you. Heavy dice can start stronger, but they drop off over time.  

I just try to block super aggressively. That's why I like eternal, grow, attack dice. Play the dice, then outlast the baddies. In Pokémon, this would be the "spam toxic and potion" strategy :)

Highest score yet. BTW, are the bomb dice any good in the long run?