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A member registered Sep 01, 2021

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no mucho se supone que son 6 rutas ya esta la primera y la beta de la segunda mas la historia yo creo que falta bastante xd

hola amigo se va a tardar dado que el juego no esta completo hasta que el juego ya este terminado creadores de contenido supongo que seleccionados por el creador (kamuo) empezarána traducirlo

no it happens at the same time

pues en yutub esta la de la parte 1 pero la 2 non

que necesitas amigo

yoyoyou this is mr white. If you want to see the new update you need to follow this steps:

When Neu its with us in the bed you have to regret her, just dont try to lewd her and you will have another way

PD:If you followed correctly the steps you will see and have one of the rariest funniest and curius ways to lewd someone else

you can somehow do it now

(1 edit)

yeah but how are the steps do you know them? cus i need to know them

there is one already but i think its on patreon