I figured it wasn't repairing cuz I wasn't getting any sounds or anything to say it was working, but thank you. I'll keep that in mind.
Recent community posts
Just a few bugs I ran into. Running the game on Windows. Other than these issues, I'm absolutely loving the game.
Chests and inventory aren't saving any items on exiting game or to menu except for a stack of wood and some scrap metal. Cooking station also loses placed food on exit.
Sometimes when switching between spear and fishing pole, the hand glitches and becomes twisted and won't let go of the fishing pole. Switching to any item or opening menus does nothing. Tried removing spear and pole from inventory and it was made worse. Was able to fix by exiting to menu.
Had some times where no items appear from ocean, leaving me defensless as shark destroys entire raft.
Couldn't repair nets, don't know if that's a thing or just was unable to do so.
Sometimes hammer wheel switches to other options after already selecting an option. Example - Selecting repair and suddenly I'm placing a pillar.