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A member registered Jul 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Bring’s a tear to my eye.


C H E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E S E!


It will change your life.

(2 edits)

Once upon a gloomy time, I was the reigning champ of Sadville, carrying the heavyweight title in the depression league. But then came BUMBI, the game that promised sunshine and rainbows but delivered thunderstorms on a platter. Now, I’m not just the mayor of Sadville; I’ve been upgraded to the supreme ruler of Furious Town.

Imagine, if you will, a game so diabolically designed that it makes you want to throw your computer into the nearest body of water, yet you can’t because you’re too busy trying to beat it. That’s BUMBI. It’s like deciding to pet a cute, fluffy dog only to realize it’s a porcupine.

I rate it 5/5 because any game that can turn a simple slide into a rendezvous with a spike while keeping me hooked deserves some twisted form of admiration.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely.

Will you thank me? Doubtful.

Will you slide into a spike again and again? Without question.

Welcome to the club.


I feel this.

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA, absolutely a classic. xD

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~Hmm, I’ll see what I can do~ (Too much coding, ;-;)

Nom! >:3

Nom nom! :3

It’s my honour, good sir/madam.

It is what it is


The pictures and itch/YouTube algorithms, I suppose. :o

Thanks for playing! :)


no u

Thanks for playing :D


Thanks for playing! :)

Dani would be proud!

No, no, please, you are too kind.

ahhhhh why are we all yelling?!

Cool beans, just update the link when you release it! :)

Thanks for playing. o7

Hey, glad you liked it! :)

Thanks for playing! c:

Thanks for playing!

Enjoyed the video. I’ll be sure to feature it in my video devlog. :)

Thanks for playing! :)

Hey! I’m happy you enjoyed it! Thanks for the motivation boost. C:

Thanks for playing! :)

Thanks for taking the time to play!

Gracias por jugar mi juego!

I’m glad you did. Spooky, for sure! :P

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! ^_^

Thanks for the boost in motivation to create a new horror game! :D

Glad you enjoyed it! You are correct in your assumption. ;)

I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for the feedback. I’ll make sure to keep it in mind for my next games! :D

Thanks for playing! Correct, I was going for the slender man vibes, as I enjoyed the concept back when it was popular. Thanks for the feedback on the fog. I’ll tweak it in the next update so others will have a more enjoyable experience! :)