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A member registered Mar 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi, I have no idea if this game is still being worked on, but I found another problem with the game. I'm stuck

This poor game. I'm sure you put a lot of work into it, but it seems you don't know how to upload games...

Oh, I didn't know you could export Scratch projects to HTML. Interesting.

(1 edit)

The game has a great concept, and the enemy variety is really nice, but the gameplay isn't very good. The game is too easy just sit still and hold the fan in the general direction of enemies. it's too easy and repetitive. The audio and art are also pretty bad. Nice game, could be improved. Also WTH. I used to make games on Scratch and this looks just like a scratch project. The one screen with no camera movements, the look of the variables, the general art, everything looks just like a scratch project.

Yeah, I kept the body and head collision boxes too far apart, so for eel the long and the ugly barnacle, you can get stuck with a specific launch angle

The game was great. The art and sound effects are amazing for the time limit, and the levels are really good. Though I don't see the theme's usage very well here, it is really nice. 

The game is fun! The post-processing and simple shapes remind me of Dani's old work. The audio is nice and simple. The way you slash through armies of balls in a row is amazing. Great, fun, satisfying game.

I think we got a winner here! This game is really good. The music is great along with simple but good graphics. The game's mechanics are good on paper, and it is beautifully executed here. The game's overall gameplay is strong and addicting. 5/5

That was a really cute game. It has really smooth, albeit somewhat lackluster animations, the audio was alright, and the idea was nice. Though the gameplay kinda fell flat. The gameplay was a little annoying. The turtles constantly looking at you makes it hard to pet them. Anyway, good game.

The art is good and reminds me of BlackThornProd. The audio is passable, and the mechanics are great. The soul fight phase is a little too easy, but it was really fun. The controls were really confusing at first, but after a while, it was really fun controls. Great game!

The music is good. Same with the sound effects. The art, while not good is passable. The mechanics are really fun and interesting. Good game. 

Great game. I LOVE the art style. The slime being cute along with the scroll the scrolls is amazing. The sound isn't that good though. The music is a little too loud. and the game is a little too hard. Overall, really good.

5/5. This is great. The topic usage was amazing. The mechanics are fun, fair, and unique. The Graphics are cute and really good. The audio was really good. The only gripe that I have is that you can't see where the water goes before shooting it. The jumping feels amazing. Great game especially with the time limit

This is a great game for such a short time limit. I love the concept of choosing the other option to give some variety. The voice acting, dialogue, and music are all great. The art is really cute and simple. Though, there's a little problem with the gameplay. Well, the 8-directional firing along with the physics-based mechanics of the shooting is really clunky. I think that it would have been better with the mouse though that might have made it a little too easy. Sometimes I would fire at a goblet and the fruit would bounce and miss it. With that problem out of the way, the gameplay is fun and simple. Overall great game!

Rated. Game was fun!

Nice game! The concept is very original and the art is super cute and nice. The pirate lying to you thing actually kind of caught me off guard, for in most of these situations, eventually there would be a big bamboozle in which the prate actually told the truth, but no, not here. Anyway, the music was pretty bad, is was very repetitive, and clipped between levels. Also, the spikes and platforming segment didn't mash well with the whole, "pirate lies to you" thing. It could've been really good if the rooms were more varied, but here, there aren't many actual obstacles. The spikes feel less like obstacles and more like very unlikely to hit you, very annoying time setbacks. They are very easy to avoid, and when you fall in it feels awful. Anyway, good game, has a lot of problems, but within three days, this is great!

The game is good! The art is nice, the sound effects are passable, and the gameplay is fun, if not a little hard. The concept of throwing bananas at cops to rob a store is really funny on paper, and it was executed well here! Good game.

This game was great! The controls felt responsive and snappy, the floatiness and jump height felt alien in a good way. The maze-like Metroidvania aspect was great, though I did get stuck at the final chip. The game was fun! Though I don't quite understand how it fits the theme all too well. The art was so cute and pleasant. The music was good too. Overall 5/5. No major bugs or problems.

Thanks for playing.

Ok, I'll be sure to play it :D

Sorry for the late reply, but look at this. It is impossible to play.

This game is really cute! it is also quite fun and calm. The music is also quite nice. This is a really good game.

The game looks cool, but I think there's a problem.

The game is too fast. Just a tap on the right of the first level would make the turret kill me. 

I can't really play the game like this, but it seems cool nonetheless.

Thank you! Sorry for the late reply. Both of those problems were due to time crunch

I wanted to add music, but then, I didn't have the time, and I had tons of problems with the aspect ratio.

I tried so many things. Anchors, different canvas styles, everything, but I couldn't fix game in full-screen, so I just made it windowed with very little time left on the clock. 

If you want something simple without much of a learning curve or time consumption, use BFXR, if you  want to make non-pixely sound effects, you have a mic, and you are up for the challenge, I would recommend Audacity.

(2 edits)

doing well. I finished most of the gameplay and code, now I just have to wait for my friend to finish art, add music and sound effects, add animations, and if I have time, some polish like screen shake and particles. The start was pretty slow, for I didn't have a good idea in my head, but once I got one, it was smooth sailing.  I joined 8 jams, but I was only able to finish 1, in which basically got gameplay down and nothing else. So hopefully, this would be my second finished game, and my first semi-good game. 

It's OK. I'm glad to hear that.

I like, the art style, The music is amazing and fitting, though being a bit short, and the game itself is tons of fun, but it does get a bit frustrating trying to navigate in the ship.

This game is really good, especially for beginners. I love how it dips into many genres, how it integrates with the theme in the most literal sense possible, and how absurd it is. I have some very minor gripes, but they're just small adjustments, such as, in the bullet hell section, you can make the hit boxes a little smaller and in the top down section, you can make the attack a little faster and a little smaller, but overall, I kinda wish this would be expanded on in the future.  

I really like this game. It shows that you are quite experienced. 

Thank You! Please don't take this as my best work. It is lazy, rushed,  shallow, and overall horrible. look here for something better here.

This is an amazing game that I wish will be expanded on in the near future. It has so much potential. The puzzles are fun, the atmospheres are good, and I love the concept. My only small gripe is that it would've been better with sound effects, but I understand that this was made in two days.

This is an amazing, adorable game. I love the central mechanic, and learning to control each dino   separately using the arrow keys was very fun. Great overall.

Making music is my least favorite part of development. I have no idea how to use minor keys, I suck at making leads, and the software I use randomly buffs up notes, so, when I finished I really didn't have the motivation to make music.

thank you

I was sent by NitroRad.

I don't know what happened at all. after the two rooms of bubble puzzles to open gates (near the start of the game), there is a room with enemies. this is where there is a secret chest with a ring inside. I moved forward, but when I moved rooms, the music changed, the game exited full screen, and this appeared

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: shd_pal_swapper

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Script_pal_swap_set
stack frame is
gml_Script_pal_swap_set (line 0)

please tell me what to do.