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game looks so fun, was playing and in the middle of my 70min playthrough,, the game glitched and a fish was stuck on a customer's face and i couldnt continue the game due to this, it would not allow me to click and drag the fish to the client anymore, pretty bummed out as i was having fun, maybe i will try to play again sometime
the game is pretty fun, you can customize your own character, name, bio, icon, even your name color. but i have to say, one thing really ruins a certain character’s design. goreboy, ronin, his voice acting is so..bad. it sounds very forced and strangled, he sounds as if hes moaning every word. his character is supposed to be seen as scary, intimidating, attractive even, but the voice..really ruins it. no shade on the voice actor, im sure they tried their best.. maybe its just me. if ronin and v switched va’s, it would match much better ^^
This game is definitely worth the price. The music and background noises make for a great gameplay. The game is pretty short, but finding the endings is very easy and fun. My favorite ending is the one with the mushrooms, poor poor Rodger. Glad there was a few good endings, most horror games don't have those. ;3